IDKP Coming Soon. Your Replacement To GDKPing

That’s not at all the concept being proposed.

Sorry no one is buying the gaslighting from you p2w kiddos any longer. One must only look at the devaluation of illicit gold merely hours after Blizz announced it banned P2W/GDKP to validate the move. Move on or play the game, you just can’t swipe any longer. Cheers!

I can bet you an arm and a leg that it wasn’t…
Why are you kidding yourself
Can you not cope that most gdkps were run with bought gold
You think this generation of gamers spent hours farming gold when someone (bots) did it for them

you give out items to people what they do with it after is up to them… they sell or or they keep it and use it.

ince Blizzard defined GDKP as any system where gold is exchanged for dungeon or raid items - maybe make the bid b consumables. So you bid 10 faps or 20 mana potion - each consumable has a set amount of points. That way people that join if they don’t get items at least get their raid consumables covered for awhile.

Maybe it’s hard for your generation of laziness, but yes people do actually work. I think it just infutiates you that someone else can put in effort to reach a goal and you can’t or won’t do the same. So you scapegoat to cope.

Not to mention AH cut.

Bear Tooth DKP makes a lot more sense. Something with zero volatility in value and that you don’t need to sell in the AH and lose $$$ to AH cut.

Really the only issue with bear tooth DKP is finding a suitable medium of exchange - something people bot/farm heavily in order to vendor and has effectively no other uses. I’ll have to look at what level 40 mobs exist in the game and what they drop.

Problem is pots can fluctuate wildly in value. One day mana pots are worth 8s, the next 15, then back to 7.

badabing badaboom your sippin the juice baybe. id say elemental fires are the way to go for phase 2 and a second currency thats lessor to offset the off number.

For all those saying about policy. You do realize when phase 2 launches they will put a new ToS agreement in SoD that includes GDKP in any form will be banned. Which you will have to agree to play in phase 2.

I agree it’s very possible, and bartering systems have organically popped up in many other games

Are you delusional? Why are act like you don’t belong to this generation of gaming?
Let’s me explain something to a smooth brain monkey like yourself
Just because maybe as an individual you “worked” for your gold doesnt mean other people work for their gold as well

There’s a small margine of evidence of people legit gold
And even more abundant evidence of people buying their gold
Regardless if you farmed it legitimately. if you joined a group with 9 who didn’t … you are whether or not intentionally benefitting from that RMT gold when it gets traded

It seems maybe you are the one who can’t cope with the truth
Maybe that’s why it’s a hard pill to swallow

You are just projecting at this point. I’m sorry you have such prejudice but the evidence doesn’t support your hatred.

I feel bad for you… you can’t seem to grasp reality… it’s sad people like you have such a pathetic disregard at factual truth

Again, projection. There is really no benefit from a continued conversation with you, you want to remain ignorant regardless of the truth.

Not projection just putting you down because unlike me I have to talk to you like a child

What evidence do I need more than gdkps got banned?
What more do you need? Clearly there was something going on

This is talking to a brick wall

“It’s a clever use of mechanics.”

“GDKPs have existed since Vanilla.”

“Blizzard is banning my favorite playstyle.”

I will say that the forums become way more fun when Blizzard clamps down on stupid behavior.

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We’ve solved the GDKP meta bois -