Bear Jaw DKP

Next phase, Ironfur Bears will be farmable. They drop an item called a Bear Jaw. 1 stack of 10 Bear Jaws is almost exactly worth 1g. This can be vendored anywhere to cash out, allowing it to remain a stable currency.

You can sell a stack of Bear Jaws on the AH for 1g without losing money on them, allowing the currency to become dispersed adequately throughout the player-base so it can be used as a medium of exchange (almost anyone can “buy in” for relatively cheap). It has no other purpose than to be vendored, so it won’t inflate in value and cause currency fluctuation. Notably, they are not gold, so they do not trigger the “are you sure you want to trade this” warning.


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How yall gonna find time to farm those? Ya know since you don’t have time to raid even though you do raid.


That’s the thing, you don’t need to farm them. You can just buy into the system via trading with other players who have farmed it themselves.

:brain: :point_left:

How you plan on getting the gold? Ya know since you don’t have time for that either.




WoW GDKP players: “I will do absolutely anything to avoid having to /roll on an item, lets all go farm bears”


They just RMT the gold and buy it off the AH, keeping RMT alive and well all while nuking GDKPs. This is why I have been against this change; not because I like GDKPs but because I know degens in this game will find a way to circumvent it and keep RMT alive and well.

do it I dare ya kek

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I’m told people a vast majority of gdkp raiders don’t buy gold. They’re honest people that don’t have time to play the game. So that can’t be true.

Well the video said they have better ways to detect it.

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They have better ways to detect GDKPs but not Bear Jaw DKPs. And Bear Jaw DKPs wouldn’t be against the ToS so what’s to detect? The RMT? Because if that’s so easy to detect, why not just stop the RMT instead of the GDKPs because they contribute to the demand for RMT gold?

What stage of grief are the P2W kiddos in now?


If people are too lazy to farm gold or raid the way youre supposed to then they arent going to farm bear jaws.


Right, they will rmt gold and buy jaws off the ah. I literally said that two posts ago

If you want to spend time doing that cool. Doesnt bother me. BUT gdkp will not be allowed so it balances out.

Again… people have to farm the jaws to put them on the ah dont they. Thats not gonna happen and you know it

“Alright so we need 39 other people for the MC BJDKP run, make sure they have at least 200G worth of bear jaws to join”

“where are all my buyers!!?!”

Frankly this idea is bad just because it would be called BJDKP lmao.

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But you don’t have to farm bear jaws. You can pay someone else gold to buy into the system. I feel like this is pretty clearly explained in the OP.

Obviously if you don’t have gold, you never bid gold in GDKPs in the first place. If you are a carry in a Bear Jaw DKP, you just cash out your bear jaws and either vendor them or sell them on the AH for a slight premium (as they’ll have slightly more value when bought by other players as a medium of exchange - although most of their value is in being a store of value).

They can just buy them off the AH.

So let me get this straight. You want to use BJ’s as a currency in place of gold?


Can they?

If this becomes the default gold replacement, those bear jaw prices gonna skyrocket so fast, as will any item you choose to supplement the gold used.

Which may mean people RMT to afford those BJ’s which starts this whole thing back up again.

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