Ideas for Mistweaver mastery

Lots of talk going on in the pally forums about how people want a new Hpally mastery. I was curious if anyone in the monk community wants a new MW mastery. If so, what would you change the mastery too?

An idea I think would be neat would be a new take on the old Gift of the Serpent mastery. Each time you heal, you have a % chance to gain 1 mist infused chi. Can have up to say…200? And certain abilities would consume a set amount of chi. An idea would be like:

  • Breath of Yu’lon: Cost 75 chi. You draw in your infused chi and release a breath of mist in a 20 yard cone in front of you. Healing is split evenly among all damaged allies.
    Or another example
  • Empowered Mists: 100 chi. Causes your next renewing mist or soothing mist to hit 3 targets instead of 1.

New to monk but this sounds a bit too much like hpriest right now with how their serendipity’s work and it’s not a fun playstyle imo. It causes you to spam overheals at times to just get your major heals back in time for the next mechanic.

I mained a Hpriest in legion and don’t think they are too alike. As a MW monk, at least in raids, you need to have as many renewing mists going as possible, and I tend to keep soothing mist up on the main tank as much as possible.
Maybe I worded it wrong, because I do remember spamming heal on full health targets to get back my serenity.
With the mastery I suggested, you would only gain chi when you actually healed a target. Spamming heals on a full health target would do nothing and would not be able to generate chi for you to use.
Also, pre legion, MW monk already had a chi system and alot of people thought it was super fun. I mained a MW monk until legion which is where the fun of the class for me kinda died off.

Here are some of my thoughts which includes some changes to the mastery. Check it out and let me know what you think!