Ideas for 2 new allied races

Half Elves for Alliance, Ogres for the horde. These two are sorely needed for each side. Thoughts? Any lore objections as to why we cant do this?

I think the new Belf and Velf customization for the shorter more human ears is meant to be “half elf” representation.


Half Elves? If your goal is to piss off all the Alliance players that have been asking for High Elves, and also all the Alliance players that DON’T want High Elves because they’re sick of Elves, then mission accomplished.

And Ogres should really be a core race, not an allied race.

I’d rather see Ogres as a core race, with Mok’Nathal as their allied race.


I wouldn’t say ogres are a core race, only a small number of them serve the current horde. We could make their introduction about how we initiate some other ogre clan into the horde.

That’s not really a qualification of how I judge a “core” race.

All of our existing allied races are “paired” with a core race. They’re either a subspecies of that race, or they share an animation rig with it. Ogres are neither of those things.

Orcs are degenerated ogres, so if anything, orcs are a subspecies of ogres, thus there is that connection. As for animation rigs, perhaps bliz can make one for once, instead of recycling old ones for copy and paste content.

Elves are degenerated Trolls. But they’re separate core races.

Also, Orcs already have an allied race.

Why would they need to? Ogres already have their own animation rig.

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Well then, voilĂ , there is no problem, Ogre allied race it is. Besides, so what if orcs already have an allied race, eventually you will run into the fact that many of the memorable races have casual relationships to each other.

Also, id argue Elves are evolved trolls. Orcs became physically weaker than ogres, while gaining no intelligence over ogres. (the Gorian Empire was far more advanced than any orc clan, or even the old horde). Meanwhile, Elves gained far greater lifespans than trolls, arguably better intelligence, and an affinity for magic that trolls do not have, with really the only loss being the loss of regeneration powers. Over all an improvement.

You’ve exactly illustrated why no one uses the term degenerated or devolution seriously in a biological context…

Ogre, tbh I’m surprised it hadn’t happened before wine elves, timetravel genocide dimension orcs, and fennec people.

I think the natural pair to that is Broken or Vrykul.


Enough elves, especially after the new :face_vomiting: Helf customization update.

Give us Mok’Nathol and Rexxar please.


Half elves should basically be covered if void elves get the same new ear customization as blood elves are getting.

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You’d be a fool if you were to use biology seriously in a fantasy setting. However, my terms were appropriate. Orcs are a downgrade from ogres, Elves are a upgrade from Trolls.

Mok’nathal over ogres please

No half-elves for the Alliance, please. We have enough elves and these add nothing. I would prefer Alliance Mogu or Broken or even Ethereals.

For the Horde, Ogres would be great, or Mok’Nathal, or heck Horde Magnataur.

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half ogres

I mostly play elves and undead and I’m sick of them too. No more high/half/spider/mutated/undead/vampire elves.

Alliance- Broken, they are long overdue. If they make them a draenei customisation, then Furbolg instead.

Horde- Ogres. Alternatively, Naga.

I don’t see ethereal because their dealings with both factions are far too important.


Emm no, these sounds like double standarts. Trolls only don’t have longer lifespan but with the whole rest they have upper hand over elves.

Nowon topic I like Jinyu/ Ankoran race for Alliance.

for Horde - Forest trolls or Ogres.

Jinyu/Ankoan for alliance so i can be a water breathing samurai.

Hozen for the horde.

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They’re already giving Belfs half ears because “Muh rp” so half of this is already being done. I can only hope they are dumb enough to give half ears to nelfs.

Some would argue that Ogres are already too similar to orcs. As much as I like the Monk’nathal, I prefer Ogres overall.

Besides, Ogre Mages, Warlocks, and Shadow Priests are great.