People will still buy gold. Banning Gdkps isn’t going to solve the gold buying issue. Until blizzard is actively banning them. Witch their not. Banning Gdkps is a baindaid fix.
Because you say it is, so it must be, eh? Without proof… it’s just a claim.
RMT is going nowhere.
you dont need to be a whale at it, you can go into any gdkp with 10g at current level.
Tell me more.
yeah all those huge buyers demanded lmao.
My latest GDKP experience - bidding starts 1g, most items sell for 5g.
Here’s the thing though buttercup, the entire classic community knows it to be true. The only ones who deny it are the ones who run GDKPs.
“well I certainly didn’t buy any gold, so clearly it isnt a problem”
receives gdkp payout made up of over 50% bought gold
citation needed
I’m sure you believe that little buddy.
Proof doesn’t exist so you can’t provide it, I gotcha.
Lmfao right? These people are hilarious trying to bend backwards to justify them enabling gold buyers to spend their illegally bought gold by inviting whales into GDKPs.
They are like the parasitic scum sucking barnacles on the backs of these whales
Because they arent, Whales are rare to come across.
GDKP’s are never bidding that high for an item outside of week 1. The normal split per player is around 10-40g. stop over exaggerating, your making your guild look bad.
yea im sure all the gold for that 300k gressil was hand generated in the DM north jump run mines.
how stupid do you guys think people are lol
we can in fact put 2 and 2 together
Read my description of GDKP carriers and leaders. Parasitic barnacles leeching off the whales who buy gold. Simple as that. Find another way to make your gold.
I don’t care what YOUR opinion of what GDKP is, leaders n all…
What are the facts, do you have anything to substantiate your claims?
you just run GDKP’s until you get that amount…
Dude Ruinous has like 900 members at all times, just because you know some officers doesn’t mean I give a flying f about your relations or your gdkps……we’ll actually now it’s lack of gdkps I guess, am I right?
its not comin, hes gonna spew something dumb again, wait for it.
and the payouts of those gdkp will be mostly illegitimately acquired gold, which was my point.
even if you don’t personally buy gold you are benefiting from people that do and are part of the problem
How lazy/bad do you have to be to think that 10-20g in SoD is a whale…
Seems like it’s Blizzards opinion as well, sorry about your luck little peach
Worst part is, its not only one item.
I know a goldbuyer that just hit 25 and bought 4 items each around 500g. Surely hard farmed gold.