Ideal Horde Council set up

Why do Forsaken have to get anything?

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At this point Paladins aren’t even a human thing I mean there’s troll Paladins now, the floodgates have been opened.

That said I’m on the fence re Forsaken Paladins. On one level it’d be a nice throwback to their pre-Forsaken history, and an acknowledgement of their softening worldview courtesy of Faol and Calia (provided that gets fleshed out more). But on the flip side it seems a tad masochistic; a Forsaken Paladin would be in constant agony.

Blizzard asked themselves these questions and decided “Hey. Good point. We’ll make Void Elves blonde instead lol”


I feel like the constant agony part could be spun off as a sort of devotion thing.

They make a huge sacrifice for the greater good, it could be a huge way to humanize the Forsaken and shed the past evil persona.

Every race should get paladins, why not.

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Yeah, fair enough. Part of me does think every race should be able to play every class but that would feel a bit weird for some race-class combinations too.

The thing is, you keep on making appeals to how great it’d be for throwbacks to “Their pre-Forsaken history” but as you yourself have constantly pointed out, their pre-Forsaken history is Alliance. The biggest throwback would be for them to leave the Horde and join the Alliance, because if you’re going to play up that “pre-Forsaken” angle then you run into the problem of “the Orcs murdered the hell out of everyone, why should we fight our Alliance comrades in their name?”

Forsaken Paladins already exist in the Argent Dawn.


Their big theme is feeling, rightly or wrongly, a sense of betrayal in that they were seen as monsters by their former friends, family, and faction. The name “forsaken” didn’t come from a sense of “haha lol that sounds boss lads we’re gonna be so edgy.” It came from the fact that they did genuinely feel like they’d been forsaken by everyone and everything they once knew.

I’m all for them establishing some form of diplomatic relations following the end of the Fourth War, as hopefully WoW moves away somewhat from the faction war narrative. But it doesn’t sit right with me, personally, to take the Forsaken and chuck them into the Alliance.

Firstly it’d be a slap in the face to the faction that actually supported them this entire time, despite their history of being a bit evil even for the Horde.

Secondly it feels like it borders on gaslighting to push the narrative in a way that makes the Forsaken be made to think “oops all of our grievances were illegitimate, let’s go back to how things were”

Thirdly, the Forsaken are a firmly entrenched part of the Horde and will not ever leave it politically, for gameplay reasons alone. People build an attachment to their faction and their characters, for better or for worse. As such I doubt it could ever be executed, even if it made sense storywise (as with Lor’themar and the Sin’dorei nearly joining the Alliance in MoP)


There are Forsaken guys there who wear heavy armor and swing big weapons around but does that make them paladins?

No, it came from Sylvanas unilaterally declaring them “the Forsaken” literally moments after she and her followers had betrayed and murdered the living people who had just demonstrated that they were willing to coexist even if they didn’t like them.

They WERE being gaslit though. Sylvanas was filling their heads with lies and ran a totalitarian state intended to keep them as isolated as possible from the rest of humanity. This is a matter of established fact at this point.

A strong argument can be made that even the decision to call them “The Forsaken” was the first big lie.

And neither of these are narratively relevant. They’re valid reasons for why the Forsaken can’t join the Alliance, but that just goes to show that pushing them into a narrative position of it not making sense for them not to do so is a bad idea.

What would you have in mind? The only things I can think of that are unique to the forsaken themselves at this point are blight and Lordaeron’s land.

Why warchief Thrall instead of Far Seer/Elder? I’ll even take chieftain of the Frostwolves.

Warchief here is just presiding officer. Functionally no power except in the event of a tie.

But within the Orcs he is the traditional Warchief

Well, there’s not much reason to hold it.

It’s a pile of rocks on top of a hole full of poison. It’s about as useful as the World Stump.

“The best part about being the undead is that, eventually, all of your heroes…become OUR heroes.”

If everyone refuses to listen to you, it’s probably because you are wrong.

I mean…you literally already have Death Knights.

Not that I want Forsaken Paladins anyway.


also like, sucks to suck, blame the writers, by all means people can open LucidChart online and make their own damn ideal diagram lmao


Yes I’m sure that the half dozen Blood Elf posters that I’m engaging with all just possess some kind of hidden wisdom that I can’t comprehend and aren’t simply subject to the same biases everyone else is.

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Yes. It’s called wowpedia. It’s very poorly hidden though, which is why we all know it.


lol “I’m smart, I look at the wiki sometimes”

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I hope that Yrel teaches the Alliance how to Lightbind so we can start doing it to Horde and watch them do a complete 180 in terms of the implications of forcible metaphysical conversions of people.

I prefer wowpedia to wowwiki

I prefer primary sources to either. This community is so thoroughly plagued by people making things up out of thin air that nothing else is reliable.