Ideal corruption selection after today's post

IT for holy PVE.
I guess vers% for rated PVP.
For ret, no clue. Probably just stick with my stars4 or 3 with a few mastery% I’ve had already.

Really want to run IT for PVP, but not vers stacking makes you like paper.

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After simming a lot last night infinite stars sims so much higher than mastery for me, raidbots doesn’t even want me to use honed mind.

I get mastery will be overall better as it is more situational. I guess I was expecting more of a dps boost with stacking mastery but wasn’t seeming much of a increase, like 4%.

The number one prot for mythic plus is running all vers corruptions and three bulwarks.

I’ve done a haste mastery build with three avenging mights and vop major and I like the feel of it. Currently running rank 3 td rank 1 td rank 1 and rank 2 expedients.

Dratnos videos said IT and expedient benefit us the most. I’m currently trying to chest 21s.

Can anyone provide some insight into what this spec needs to excel? I tried the vers build but did like the feel of it at all.

There’s a Chinese player doing 26s with the build. I wasn’t able to find too much about his play through logs. But it’s available to look at. He’s using TD 3 or 4 and that’s all I could see. A io look up I couldn’t find him with a copy pasta.

IT and mastery build (With TD as you said) for ret or another spec entirely?

Talking about prot.

Azerite build: 3 AW, IV, Light’s decree, SS Top key is +26 (55 instances)
Build: 3 AW, IV, Light’s decree, Righteous conviction is +26 (25 instances)

Player name is 托尔达戈. There’s a log, but I can’t find him in the io search.

Reading these responses does make me wonder what it would look like for a haste/mast build. Seems like that would put us back in the old school days of stacking haste until you hit the cap and then stacking mastery from then on out. Seem like that would certainly be the better route since Mastery increase our Holy damage overall. Not sure where vers would fit in to all of that, maybe not at all.

Someone might have already done this. If so, I would love to hear what the results looked like.

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Secondaries make secondaries stronger. So it is a balancing act. I’d really like gemm I my, enchanting, and reforging secondaries back because of this. Plus it is fun to see what big x stat can do even if it isn’t optimal.

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I’m going to get a Racing Pulse 3 and my hopes are to run 9x expedient 3x racing pulse 2x TD(while maintaining a minimum of 475 equipped ilvl) and see how it plays. I also tried stacking versatility and did not like how it felt… so my versa 3 purchase is my first wasted echoes.

My build should be under corruption 40 next week via malific core

You have like 800 vera so 12% is 96 where your haste is 2700 and 12% is 324. These numbers aren’t correct because those amounts already take into account your stat amps and stat amps are additive not multiplicative. But you have 3 times the haste. If you stacked vera as high as your haste it would feel better.

For prot paladins stacking haste are you hitting 100% uptime in SotR?

Yes and that is the main reasoning behind it as haste adds to survivability. That being said… we are literally seeing the top 10 tanks all move into stacking versatility.


I wonder if it is to deal with bursting. Most high keys are done on a bursting week.

I’ve been stacking IT since I saw my first couple pieces drop early on.

It is really fun but high variance in proc rate can be an issue.

Prior to vendor some of my best parses are from stacking IT. I’ve even tinkered with over 300% CDR and it is bonkers as far as Crusade uptime.

The less evident strength of IT stacking is that you can get huge uptime on ES and procs during Crusade change rotation to Judge/BoJ/TV for the duration of the IT proc.

You may already know this stuff sorry for late post.

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My goal is to get 5x IT rank 2 and 3x IT rank 1 after maxing out corruption resist.

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So…you like being a below average less than mediocre player.

It’s better then playing this garbage.

Says the person playing like garbage.,

Our Main Tank says the same thing. He has a whopping 2 corruption, maxed cloak and like R3 TD and some other things. You can still participate, be OP as heck and suffer no drawbacks from corruption.

That’s what I’m saying, but the state of the systems now has me waiting for Shadowlands at current. Can only hope it’ll be better and not just more of the same, but I’m still somewhat skeptical.

Will you guys be grabbing rank 3 honed mind now that it’s up?