Ideal corruption selection after today's post

I took that into account.

Yeah I am so wanting haste ret to actually be good. But in my current state, comparing my gear to a few top rets (that have way higher crit). Like 8-10k less dps in patchwerk/light/heavy movement.

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I’m still waiting for some updated analysis as well.

I only run Horrific Visions so I need a mix of AoE plus single target for the bosses. I currently plan on keeping my TD3 and adding an Ineffable Truth and some Mastery. If Gushing Wounds is still competitve I will add one of those, and as my Corruption Resistance slowly rises I guess I will keep adding what is available on the Vendor (Mastery if available, GW/Haste/Crit if not).

All subject to change, of course! TD3 sims high, but even when running 4 ranks of it (TD3 and a TD1) it was only doing about 8% of my DPS in a full Vision clear. I guess I don’t pull big enough packs to make it shine.

For Ret masterful 3 and more than one ineffable truth 1

No TD at all anymore, just Masterful? Keep in mind I do not raid, just Horrific Visions. Alleria in SW is the hardest boss I’ll face.

Does this mean I should be gemming and looking for gear with Mastery too, or do you still need to pump up Haste and Crit a bit?

So far I’ve purchased an expedient for my prot pally. So running tier 6 expedient(38% haste) with tier 2 TD and Searing Breathe(wrathion sword). From a prot pally perspective I’m considering stacking Vers and Haste, but I have seen one top pally running 52% mastery. I’m considering focusing nothing but % corruptions simply to be a better raid tank for my mythic team.

I’ve seen it’s a theme for most of the higher end teams that they focus stats

I’m going full mastery regardless of what the current meta will be.

Removing all IS corruptions for ST (might or might not keep them for certain fights), might keep TD for aoe but I’m sick of RNG damage in general.


Should we get at least one inedible truth before it’s out of the rotation for Ret? I see some of the top dps pal lies are already stacking 4-5 ineffable truths

I think I’m decided on mastery stacking. Mastery is very high up there in sims for both single target and AOE situations without being a crazy proc RNG specific situational corruption. And with 3x traits that increase mastery during wings, and a guaranteed crit after using wings, it should make for some disgusting, and reliable top end TV/ DS crits.

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Not sure, but as I understand the guys from Hammer of Wrath discord, one or two IT 1 and three or more Masterful 3 is the way to go for ret, while stacking crit on your gear. With those mastery azerite traits you get some cool bursts.
Tried a mastery build yesterday (18% crit, 20% haste, 40% mastery, 12% versa) at ilevel 468 and it simmed at 59k dps while my current crit build (35% crit, 23% haste, 30% mastery, 10% versa) sims at 65k.

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I want more mastery. When I have loads of the dealies laying around everywhere and leftover gear I’m gonna run a huge Truther build. Dunno if it’ll be good or not but it seems fun as hell.

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I’ve been contemplating a full mastery build. I don’t really have echoes on the paladin, atm. Mastery provides big damage reduction and good attack power. The burst from TD is fun and all, but ST is abyssmal.

I have seen damage players in 22 keys pull 154k ST damage with nearly pure Stat increases and a lot of the Stat corruptions are cheap on the budget. I run fire mage/BM hunter so surviving larger pulls will increase our times.


Has anyone tried IT stacking for ret?


I picked up IT for my Holy set and stacking TD is still favored for dps. Unfortunately my mastery corruption is on all pieces without mastery, so stacking that is ineffective. I think with the right gear mastery stacking and an IT piece will be the best option as others suggested.

On my end I have a lot of crit, haste, and versatility maybe that’s why I just sim better with TD stacking. Doing a comparison sim with the top ret stacking masterful they sim about 84k where I sim 64k. I also have to factor in my cloak is only 53 corruption resistance capping my ability to add any other corruptions.

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after getting 210% IT, it feels like its the optimal amount, procs outside of wings feels like wings and procs in wings are nonsense. 2 procs back to back puts ~10 sec downtime between wings which is silly id like to buy another 50% for the future but i feel haste procs are gonna do more.

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I am now wearing one IT, waiting for next week for hopefully a combination of honed mind and mastery. If it’s just IS3 I may just get that. I’m currently using mind flays and scared to drop it, it does so much of my dps, all my drops have been MF this patch so I’ve come to depend on it. But I see most top rets don’t use mind flays, even after it was on the first weeks rotation so I guess it’s time to move on from mind flays and go for the mastery build.

I’ve got a lot of my build ironed out. With wings and Seraphim I’m at 110% mastery (37.5% DR) and I seem to have hit a block cap at 86% chance to block. My overall is still sitting around 53-55k dps at the end of a run (if I’m not having to kite too much).

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wdym “block cap”? Block cap with holy shield requires 165% mastery


My block chance is DRd so hard per point that I’m gaining next to nothing at this point.


ah so a point where more mastery just isn’t doing enough. That’s fair.