I think Hackbrew and Vanleer hit the most of the nails on the head. To maybe add some things on top of that.
First off I think the major problem when it comes down to it is well basically the moral part of it comming from the players. You get pro-Forsaken going “we’re not evil! Just trying to survive in world to have us killed!” Then those against Forsaken going “You’re evil! Accept it! It’s okay, everyone else accepted it!” And of course the “THEY MUST BE PURGED! DEUS VULT!” And everything in between. Personally I am in between the “You’re evil just accept it!” And “DEUS VULT!” Categories.
No other playable faction gets this. Orcs come second, and I don’t think they come in even close. Something should maybe be done about this. Activision Blizzard should really tone down the hate. Problem is they keep giving people a reason to hate them, and then Forsaken players are forced to defend themselves. Just really need to tone that down.
Second I think the Forsaken need to be less monolithic of evil and hatred. They need to perform more good deeds for all of Azeroth to counter balance their hate. To help this there should be a good Forsaken faction. The thing that made the Tauren cool back in Pre-cata was the Grimtotem. It was the counter balance to our good nature. Prevented us from being a monolithic good race. When they were removed well we became a monolithic good race, and became side kicks to even the side kick races. It sucked loosing our bad half, and I think the Forsaken needs a good half. It also would really challenge the concept of “PURGE! PURGE! PURGE!” Since there is living proof of active Forsaken being good for all of Azeroth.
When I hear of good Forsaken deeds, I only hear it mostly done for the Forsaken, and sometimes done for the Horde. When it is done for the Horde it feels and looks mostly for their own ends. Top it off that Teldrassil outweighs most of the good deeds the Forsaken have done. Yes it was against the Alliance, but it damned the Horde in the process. The only time I’ve seen the Forsaken do something for all of Azeroth was developing a cure for the Plague Arthas unleashed pre-WotLK. Need more deeds of those to off set the bad. That way people don’t jump straight to wanting to genocide the Forsaken.
Thirdly I think it was already mentioned, Sylvanas needs to stop sucking in all of the Forsaken story. Even in Classic I found this to be an issue. My first character was a Forsaken Warlock and I couldn’t continue to play him because “Sylvanas this, Sylvanas that, Worship the Dark Lady!” For such a free willed race, they sure do worship her as a God in a less free will way.
The Desolate council was an awesome thing, gave the Forsaken something else other than Sylvanas. Other races may have this problem, but not to the extent the Forsaken have with Sylvanas. You don’t hear Humans going “High King watch over you!” “Victory for Anduin/Varian!” “Thank the High King you survived!” The Forsaken need to evolve away from Sylvanas.
Fourthly I think the Forsaken just need to connect more with the Horde. The whole “family within family, ignore other races.” Is what drives them away. If anything the Forsaken and Tauren should be bros. We were the reason the Horde took them in the first place, and proven they were not really forsakened. Instead they used us for experiments even in pre-Cata.
Maybe instead of committing suicide after Arthas’ fall, Sylvanas should have looked into strengthening the bonds between the Forsaken and the Horde. She doesn’t need to be gung-ho honorable. Just make the Forsaken feel more connected and less “Oh we Hordies took in the Forsaken, look how good we are. Now we will just ignore them.” Give the Horde a real good, personal reason to fight for the Forsaken, especially now in BfA in this war.
Lastly though this one is I’ll admit is dumb because it is a big hurdle. I think their reproduction problem needs to be solved. Being forced to reproduce from death makes relationships with the world justifiably complicated. I don’t think a death cult would work, and wouldn’t be a good permanent solution. Their kill other races and raise them make them more parasitic in nature and less being a race.
Loosing that though would be loosing a lot of the Forsaken theme. Even to fix the problem, how? I’d say sacrafice Calia to make the Forsaken reproduction system work maybe? Because it is light? It would also get rid of her also. Even typing this is a stretch and a silly idea.
Really it is all silly I know, but it sadly adds justified fuel to the fire of “DEUS VULT!” Because having a parasitic race around that lives by killing off others can make said other races being justifiably uncomfortable.
All in all we need way more reasons to not hate the Forsaken, and need more reasons to love them. It just feels like Activision Blizzard wants people on both sides to either love them or hate them. There is no middle ground, and it quite scary at times. Forsaken are players, not NPCs. This isn’t the Burning Legion, Scourge, or Twilight Hammer we are dealing with, but actual players. Something even I think I forget at times.