Idea to appeal both sides of M+ leavers

Yes let’s get rid of keys, the most time enduring replayable content in the game.

It always sounds so insanely ridiculous every time a troll suggests this.

Question, from a ridiculous troll, for you.

If you could simply choose the level of the dungeon you think you would like to attempt, and you could choose to do so in any of the dungeons available, with no downside of failing other than expending your time… how exactly would this be worse than having that agency taken away from you, which is the current system which causes major points of contention and does not allow player choice?

I’m honestly curious to hear your answer. Please focus on how it makes it less “time enduring replayable”

1> How is that any different than the guy that feels he should be running +22s, but for the fact us scrubs keep him stuck in 15s… so he rage-quits any time something goes wrong?

I’m not completely dismissing your point. It has some validity.

But I think I’d file it under: nothing is perfect, but my system has more pros than cons than yours.

2> Under my system, you can still downgrade a Key. I don’t know who you play with, but ANYONE I’ve EVER played with knows when it just ain’t gonna happen. Even if you could keep resetting and keep trying, eventually you’re going to realize “we need to downgrade this.”

A guy thinking they can do 22s but are held down to 15s is laughable. A good player doesn’t get held down that much, and any player who thinks that is their reality is just in denial.

A vast majority of the time, people flat out need to face reality that they aren’t good enough for something, and the game in its current state does exactly that. The current system encourages you building a network of players to play with. This really isn’t that hard when you actually run keys on a consistent basis.

The system you want encourages only perfection. When you have nothing to lose, you’ll just see tourney style play take over, and casual folks won’t be doing keys at all. And the core reason behind it is simply put, you lack understanding of the current system. You want a system that rewards score, the people that actually run keys do so because they enjoy running them actually want to learn something and get better, if that means doing this on a lower difficultly so be it. It honestly doesn’t effect the better players, because they have built out a network of folks that run and learn together.

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Yea I would be playing for Manchester United if I could just get into this devision 2 club team I’m sure I would then get there lol.

A player that can do higher keys over 20 would almost never fail a lower key like a 15 because they will carry it. Hard. And people don’t leave runs that are going well. Even if they had the random dc from someone or something it wouldn’t happen enough to get them stuck there lol