Idea for leavers

You must be a really happy and engaging person. It takes mere moments for a group to fill, why does it bother you do much what someone else that you don’t even know does?

Yes! thank you for noticing haha

@Zombri Unless most of your groups are unluckily abusive, I don’t think this would effect those situations

The Deserter debuff hotfix is already being worked on:

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Trolls getting warmed up, ready for the weekend I see.

Surely you can’t be serious?

Yes I’m serious, and stop calling me Shirley.

This is just excessive. Weekly? Bad idea.

But you actually do have to quit a key that will be clearly untimed when the key is high, no matter who quis first if the untime is obvious.

I love this, my score would be so absurdly high by this point and I love arbitrary numbers going up lol