Idea for leavers

Implement weekly LFG ban for players who leave unfinished dungeons. This would be like deserter but it would be for the entire week.
I think this approach is a win win for everyone, leavers can get a life and people who wanna do dungeons can get their gear :smiley:

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Great idea! let’s punish players who might have to suddenly leave in a emergency.


It would only apply to chain leavers :slight_smile:

the self righteousness over the whole “leaver” thing is really quite disgusting.

someone leaving your dungeon affects you 0%, beyond having to wait a minute or two for a replacement.

get over it.


Still a garbage idea.


What about the person who joins the unfinished dungeon, it kinda effects them :smiley:

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It never affected me. i either get an upgrade or valorstones. i still get something.

If a specific boss is popular to kill, many people will queue to farm him

It kinda sucks having to join a dudgeon where that popular boss is dead haha



Stop trying to force people to carry you.


id like there to be some kind of reward buff (more gold, loot reroll token) for players who join a dungeon already in progress as they are sacrificing whatever was done without them to help these guys out.


@Snozay, I never said anything about kicking people though, you would still be able to kick players <3

@Korrath Perhaps giving the person who joined late a roll of the dead boss they missed at the very end!

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That is a minor issue, even if they join in on the last boss. They can just requeue if they need to complete a quest or are farming a specific item.

Isn’t the penalty like 30 minutes right now? I see no issue with leaving it as it is.

This is probably a better idea than punishing people who leave. As annoying as it is, it’s always better to deal with situations like this by just throwing more rewards at the people it affects negatively instead of punishing the people doing it.

The problem with your solution OP is that people are still going to leave dungeons after certain bosses regardless and just eat the weekly ban, so people will still be affected by leavers. It’s just gonna happen regardless so you might as well give extra rewards to the people who have to deal with it.

LFG ban wouldn’t mean dungeon ban though, so those leavers who want to farm the item and reset could just form player made groups

This idea is just to stop LFG abuse =p

This idea came to me because of how we used to do this back in the day. Players who were not great to play with would end up on a server black list and would never get into pugs.

Blacklisting players today is harder now that all the servers are combined so making an algorithm to track leavers and blacklist them after a certain threshold would be amazing :smiley:

I wasn’t talking about kicking people. I’m talking about forcing people to stay. Your idea is awful.

would a compromise be say … if the group is clearing to the first boss, and the boss isn’t dead yet and you decide to leave, the algorithm doesn’t account for that leave since you’ve gauged the group up to that point?

Also if the group wipes at any point, leaving wouldn’t effect you

This idea is solely for people who leave directly after the same boss every time

think it’s tough to get a tank or healer to pug now…

No. There isn’t any compromise with a flat out terrible idea.

I find it interesting that people dislike leavers in RDF when the format is made for people to go in and out when they want. If you want a reliable group premades were always the way. There’s certainly ways to encourage people to not leave after the first boss which deserters can solve but any punishment stronger than that seems a bit disproportionate.

If this is a healer/tank problem they’re also free to add more rewards for queuing as one, the satchel is not competitive with many other gold making sources.

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Aren’t the dungeons like 20 minutes at most?