I'd like to know why I was silenced in-game

What did I say that was so egregious that it warranted an action against my account? I’ve been rather mindful of what I’ve been saying, even refraining from cursing (even though there’s a profanity filter). Can you please just tell me what I said or what line of conversation that is taboo in this game? This is asinine. Why don’t you just remove the chat feature entirely and make this a single player game?

I just received the message in the chat in-game that said: "We have silenced your account due to multiple reports of “abusive chat?” What does that even mean? What abusive chat? What are you talking about? I’m not abusing anyone. I’m not targeting anyone. I’m not harassing anyone. I’m not inciting controversy. I’m not swearing excessively. I’m not calling anyone names. I’m not being racist or homophobic or discriminatory or bigoted.

WHAT is the PROBLEM here? We’re ALL ADULTS. Can we not discuss mature topics while we’re waiting for queues or taking a break or whatever? What actually is this draconian approach you’ve taken with the chat?

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That’s the thing, Sarethon, no, we’re not. This game is rated T for Teen, which admittedly only governs the type of content that our Game Developers can have in the game, but it sets an expectation on what kind of behavior is appropriate for those playing the game.

To solidify that stance we have a Code of Conduct that covers player behavior.

Looking over the recently reported chat lines, Sarethon, it seems that you spent some time in Trade chat asking what someone’s race was in what seems a conversation that is not really appropriate for a public chat.

It seems there are a number of statements made in Trade and General over the last week or so that isn’t really acceptable for public chat. If you wish to engage in that kind of conversation with friends, that is your business, but maybe take it out of the game otherwise.


Ah, I know exactly who you’re talking about and what the discussion was. The reason I asked him is because the person is consistently going on tirades about how white people are evil and how his race will replace them. I only asked what his race was, I never said anything derogatory or racist towards him.

Anyway, THANK YOU for providing some kind of clarification. I’m not so much bothered by the silence as I am by not understanding exactly what I was silenced for.

Are you able to DM with specific chat lines that were reported or no?

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I don’t see it mentioned, so will add that the Profanity filter does not give people permission to break the rules and use profanity. It is there for parents and others who don’t want to see it when people can’t follow the rules.

This misconception has been around since game launch. Blizzard has never allowed profanity or masked profanity by players in their games. These go back to the early days of the forums.



Something else to keep in mind, the game is rated T - but that only applies to what the Developers make. Things that are static and can be reviewed and evaluated. Player interactions are NOT rated and have to follow the policy of the game company. In the case of Blizzard, their player interaction policy is very family friendly for all their games, even ones rated M.


I would question that making a statement about where you believe they are from isn’t a bit questionable, but I digress. If someone else continues to make those kinds of statements I’d recommend reporting it so it can be reviewed.

You also appear to use some profanity earlier this month and of course there is the traditional political comments that really don’t belong either, just to give you an idea.

No, sorry. We don’t have DM’s through the forums. If you want specifics you can put in a ticket, a Game Master may be able to provide that for you.

Thanks, Mirasol. I meant to cover that but got distracted. :slight_smile:


It is those flies buzzing around your centaur self! Blame them!


Speaking of, you need to keep an eye on Stormrage trade chat. It’s seriously out of control. A lot of those people need some time off.

We don’t monitor chat, our process is primarily reactive in nature. Players need to report the chat for it to be reviewed.


Will do, thank you.


GM’s do not monitor in-game chat.

There was a time long ago that happened and let’s just say thing’s got chaotic.

The best thing you can do is report the offending chat, and the GM’s will take it from there.


I think most of the questions around this have been answered so I’m going to close it up.

Just to state it, yes, there are others who use vulgar and offensive language. Not just profanity but also inappropriate subject matter.

We don’t actively monitor chat and over all players have some freedom to discuss what they like, with the understanding that there are lines that shouldn’t be crossed (outlined in our policies), and if reported and verified to have violated those policies, penalties may be applied.