I'd like a second hearthstone location that I choose

Bemage yourself. My hearthstone is just a short cut to Hollowfall this expansion.


Race change to Vulpera.
Gain the ‘Make Camp’ racial.


My main is a human warrior. I have 2 charge hearthstone, Dalaran hearth, garrison, boralus(sp?) ring that ports. Old dalaran ring that ports. Last but not least my wife mains a mage. I’m covered.


I have my hearthstone set to Sinfall so I can grind for covenant cosmetics, and it’s never been an issue because Dalaran hearth gives me access to Stormwind’s portal network and what more could I really want?


The amount of ports we have already are crazy.

I can’t imagine there are many places I can’t get to within about 2 minutes from anywhere else in the world


My druid has so many teleport options I had to download an addon to keep track of them all. What I would really like to see is an easier way to keep track of portals in the world. I use Handynotes right now to put an icon on the map but there are so many portals everywhere I forget where they are. Like I just remembered you can go to Boralus and talk to the pet battle dungeon person and port to Wailing Caverns, Strat, BRD, etc.

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Oh yes! I forgot the Dalaran ring and Zuldazar one. And I’ve got a trinket (?) for Timeless Isle too

And Jana’s locket , I noticed even though it’s a neck piece when u set it to the hot bar it doesn’t equip and use like the rings or capes do so that is definitely a bonus also I think it has a 1 hour cool down ….the downside is it can be expensive on the AH or you have to do the shadowmourne quest line which can only be done by plate characters

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Flight whistle was always nice.

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I wouldn’t mind the flight whistle coming back.

Beyond that, we can get everywhere just fine. OP, if you want more fast travel than that, be an engineer, mage, or Vulpera. (Or all three.)


I think players should get the main city of each xpac as a permanent hearth anyway.

Why make it more difficult?

Nothing wastes time more than travelling in a video game, you are doing nothing fun, I don’t see why we have to jump through any hoops but Ion has made travelling as convoluted as possible.

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no people went to classic for nostalgia or because they’re terrible at the game and need to play the simple version

You couldn’t be more wrong.
Pretty sure if you took a poll, an overwhelming majority would say retail is the “simple” version.

If you thought for a moment that you don’t even have to worry about mana any more or all the classes having a self heal made the game harder than classic, then you must be trolling. I could go on and on how much more difficult classic is/was than retail.

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there ya go. theres the 2nd hearthstone with the ability to be bound individually from your normal hearth

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I agree with this sentiment. It’s incredibly easy to get around the game world with the default hearthstone, Dalaran hearthstone and garrison hearthstones. The Dalaran and Garrison Hearthstones can easily get you to Stormwind or Orgrimmar.

At what point do they stop catering to the people who don’t want to spend an extra minute or two travelling around?

As others have mentioned, we’ll also have the Player Housing Hearthstone. You can also play a mage, pick up engineering, or play Vulpera.

We don’t need an additional one on top of what we have. Stop being lazy and just play the game.



Play a vulperan mage with engineering and with exalted reputation with your guild so you can have access to teleportation cloak. On top of that you have a few “toys” you can use.

That way you have access to:

  • Make Camp.
  • Portals.
  • Wormhole machines.
  • Faction Capital teleport.
  • Regular Hearthstone.
  • Dalaran Hearthstone.
  • Garrison Hearthstone.
  • Black Temple critter sacrificial skull.
  • And a few more that I can’t recall from the top of my head.

We’ll get more in the future as well, but yeah… safe to say, we have enough options that this isn’t a needed change.

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It’s inevitable, what with all the items we have already, but I’d prefer we still not do this. It allows for a bit of creativity in using a dalaran heathstone, garrison, certain clothing like Argent Tournament, our KSH portals, the portal rooms, teleports on our mage.

I know we’re heading for free teleports for everyone. But I don’t need it to be sped up - there are a lot of tools to chase until then.

A little bit of friction isn’t always a bad thing.

Druids also have dreamwalk, our own portal room from Legion.


Fox mean.

Fox bite


Because many of those port you to a city, one additional portal away from your major city, with portals to almost everywhere?

I only wish all those things, were toys all my toons can use.