I'd like a second hearthstone location that I choose

It would be great, especially with events like the anniversary, or having a zone you want to go through, but also want to go back to the capital city.

We have multiple hearthstones from a variety of rewards and drops, why can’t we bind one to somewhere else?

Better yet, have each hearthstone we have bound to individual places.


midnight expansion :speaking_head: :fire:


I’ll take your suggestion and trade you a Vulpera…cause that’s the best we got.


Go Dark Iron Dwarf… don’t they still have those Drilling tunnel thingys? lol


I have a few, I also have a few mages, I like to play a variety of toons.

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This game has catered way too much to the lazy people for sake of convenience. This is why a lot of people went to classic/era.

As much as I wouldn’t mind the ability to have multiple Hearth locations, they have to draw a line somewhere and say “no.”

Reminds me of the saying… “Give a mouse a cookie…”


Is that just back to the player house, or to a place of your choosing?

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Mole Machines. That’s what they’re called. They will transport you to quite a bit of places once you discover the area.

Have a look at the comment section to see where you can go…

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Appreciate it, but that’s not quite what I’m after. I have 2 mages at 80 with fixed locations already, this is just another version of that.

Because mages.

Tho you can have 1 hearth you set, 1 to dalaran, and 1 to your garrison, which is oftentimes plenty.


Dalaran? Garrison? I feel you may be an xpac or two behind :sweat_smile:

Also need to make items like Jana locket and other items like garrison shipyard , toy items so we can use them without taking bag space and cross character !!!



You can get a hearth to your garrison in warlords of draenor, and a hearth to dalaran for Legion.


I have a few hearthstonea in my toy box, I can’t put them to different locations.

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it would be great if they removed the camp racial from vulpera and just made it warbound like the bank and map to everywhere

Items like Jana locket , stormwind cape , brawler ring etc are items separate to hearthstones that teleport your character to a set location (depending on the item) but currently are not toy items therefore they have to be in your bag to be used also they have respective cooldowns between uses (not shared)

Humans have an ability to hold 2 hearth stone charges that replenishes ( I believe it’s 15 mins per charge) combined with speedy hearth guild buff could def be very useful


We already have dal hearth,and garrison hearth andsoon home hearth


You should have a Dalaran Hearthstone toy and a Garrison Hearthstone toy (provided you had a garrison at some point).

Your regular Hearthstone gets set to wherever you want.

Dalaran gives access to Org and Stormwind.

Harrison gives access to Ashran.

I set up Garrisons on all my alts years ago for the convenience when my regular heart is on cooldown.


Engineers can make wormhole generators and i think there’s something you can do to make them less randon but i forget.


then play the races that have that kind of perk