I'd like a goblin-variant for the alliance please

You can say Moon Guard (server) and you won’t be judged.
Lore wise, after the way Garrosh and that smelly undead banshee treated us Goblins, I can see a new group/cartel off shoot, joining with the Alliance looking for safer work.

Sadly, a lot of those dresses stop at the knee and I highly doubt current Blizz would do that. They don’t have a good trace record for skirt like outfits. I’ve been asking for a Sparta-esque skirt since we could mog in late Cata.

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People expected to get mirror races but this did not happened. The Alliance was plagued with races they don’t want to play (Kul Tiran fat model, Mechagnome, Void Elf and Lightforged Draenei).

We got everything we asked for in the past: Mag’har Orcs, Zandalari Trolls, Nightborne and Vulpera. And yes, the implementation of the Nightborne was bad in the beginning but it was a highly debated race during the last part of Legion and both sides wanted to have them. Including the HMT.

Your immature assumption of “greedy posters” only reflects your lack of awareness of the situation and how things unfolded. Blizzard did actually agreed with the Alliance-players and how they were treated on several occasions in the following years, by giving them their requested High Elf and Man’ari customization for their races during some patches (9.1.5 and 10.1.7).

We objectively had better races based on popularity and diversity, so the Alliance has every right to complain.


that’s one reason. i mean, moonguard does have a massive alliance population, and on this realm i main alliance… so it makes sense i’d want my favorite race on the faction i’ve been maining since BfA.

another reason is i really like goblins, and i just… don’t wanna be stuck with orgrimmar as my main city. :man_shrugging:

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With how often you’re enabling the Alliance’s victim complex and claims to every race in reach, you ought to be getting paid for it.

You can’t say that the Alliance didn’t want to play as Lightforged and then turn around and say that the Horde wanted nightborne when it was the Alliance, if anything, that wanted nightborne playable, and a lot of draenei players likely wanted Lightforged as a draenei customization after that race was introduced in 7.3.

Your refusal to acknowledge the demand for Alliance races grossly outnumbering the demand for Horde races only reflects your refusal to hold the former accountable for anything.

It went way beyond the Alliance complaining about the races they got. It was Alliance posters who more often asked for races that had no realistic chance of happening, asked for more Horde core races to be given an Alliance counterpart (see: this thread), complained that the Horde’s allied races should’ve been neutral, tried to claim vulpera for the Alliance long before 8.3 was even announced, and, of course, openly insulted the people within their own faction for liking mechagnomes while blaming that race for the Alliance not getting sethrak, as if Blizzard pulled the rug out from under them when there was no rug, to begin with.

Being unsatisfied with the Alliance’s allied races doesn’t give them a right to take from the Horde, and people should’ve paid attention to the criteria set by the first few allied races instead of assuming that any yet unplayable race was on the table.

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I always thought goblins would be neutral since they have always been portrayed as mercenaries. Would have been cool if the goblins we got as playable were part of the cartel that runs ratchet, booty bay, etc.


Horde doesnt and did not ask for Alliance races after Burning Crusade. Once we got elves we objectively have the best race choices. You might have the outlier that is an Alliance that tries to play horde and complains but no one else is.

I didn’t really think this was going to turn into one of those internet-sociopath wild west gunfights where everyone sees who can pull the “my empathy is greater than yours” card the fastest.

honestly, i never understood why goblins werent the nuetral race if they insisted on adding one.


You are your own worst enemy with a constant bias, foregoing actually common sense in a discussion due emotions.

This is correct.

Incorrect. At the end of the day, you look at the results and see lack of diversity and unfulfilled request as part of the Alliance-experience. They didn’t add the alluded holy Forsaken from the book but give them constant clone-races. They have four (!) dwarf races available now, with one being a subrace, like the Man’ari. At least the Mag’har Orcs have several subraces/clans packed into them but with the Alliance? It’s just awful.

At least you acknowledge the issue. We don’t need to discuss this further, because you know it as every else here: Something went wrong and Blizzard has to undo their mistake. The Alliance is asking for something special, because they don’t have anything worth mentioning but the Dark Iron Dwarves. Void Elves are a failure and are played as High Elves. Mechagnomes and Kul Tiran aren’t played despite their great racials. Light-forged should have been a customization option.

The Horde is long overdue for cheap clone-races at this point. The mistake needs to be undone.

Pointing out the Alliance obsession with getting everything for nothing isn’t bias, but you coddling them at every opportunity sure is.

But it isn’t emotional to spend years harboring a victim complex because Blizzard didn’t give into the playerbase’s extravagant demands?

People managed to complain about those, too, since I’ve seen posts not too long ago saying that the Horde should’ve gotten Dark Irons even though that would’ve made no sense narratively.

They’re one of the most popular races in the game, beating out several that have been around for over a decade longer, and the amount of people who play them with Void options is about 1:1 with those who play them with high elf options, but please keep maintaining this delusion.

And here you go again with the “Horde needs low-effort races to make things even” fallacy. According to you, the way for Blizzard to mend the feelings they hurt in BfA is to give the Horde races they don’t want, because if the Alliance had to suffer, then the Horde does, too, even if it’s years late.

I already had you on ignore since you seem to specifically come into threads that I posted in to be confrontational for the sake of it, and it wouldn’t surprise me if many others have done the same.

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The majority of the Horde shares that statement. It still has Garrosh’s tacky decor up.


Incorrect. Gaslighting them into accepting worse conditions is no option.

No. They are also paying customers and they have a right to complain when they feel to. People can easily point out flaws but cannot describe them well or find solutions.

I can speak only for AD-EU, one of the biggest servers in the EU-region. Usually it’s a 1:10 split between Void and High Elves. I can also back this up with +3 year data of Total RP profiles.

You talk like a customer but not as a developer. If they cannot keep the balancing act up, which clearly didn’t work in the past, then system collapsed. We can also have list wars for more clarity and transparency, if this helps you to understand the situation. And yes, we stay on the races and not so suggestive other topics where the Horde hurts, because an apple has nothing to do with grapes, even if it’s correct.

Do you really think it matters if I’m on an ignore list or not? This is just emotional baggage/gaslighting. Either you can debate and discuss or not. Bring better argumentation points up or forfeit.

you’re welcome.

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It does within the Alliance. That said, I’d generally rather have something new(ly playable).

Oddly, I agree with you. My race of Goblins are different though.

Our home was destroyed by Deathwing way back in Cata and Thrall helped us.

I want the kelfin to be available to everyone though.

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Races only cross faction in one direction. You could argue the first time it happened was humans going to Horde with the Forsaken. They are different enough being undead and hunched over but technically it is a faction of humans in the Horde. Then it was High Elves, which were always an Alliance race going to the Horde in TBC. Then it was Night Elves and now Dwarves.

The only original Alliance race this is still Alliance only is now Gnomes, and Horde has two versions of that “profile” with Goblins and the little fox guys.

Meanwhile Alliance get zero Horde races. No Orcs, no Tauren, no Trolls. Nada.

So there you are.

I think if they can pull these off, other skirts are doable.

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Pedal to the metal, baby!