I'd like a goblin-variant for the alliance please

Gilgoblins should be Horde. They haven’t even once interacted with the Alliance and have done so with the Horde.

How about Mechagoblins?

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I know am, but at the same time… it’s nice to have wants. Doesn’t mean players should get what they ask for.

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Ugh. Alliance getting another race without full transmog access. Even as Horde, that would suck too much.

Honestly, I think there’s a few races that should never be cross faction. Alliance should never have orcs and Horde should never have humans (even though they pretty much do now with the derpthyr visage form, and that sucks). Orcs and humans have been iconic to their sides since the first Warcraft RTS.

The other races that shouldn’t be shared are goblins and gnomes. They’re maybe a little less iconic than orcs and humans, but from WoW’s earliest days there’s been a strong faction rivalry between the two, and it feels like that shouldn’t really change.

But, eh, whatevs. I’d get over it, I guess.

I want to make sure its clear since I don’t think it was. >.> I was joking.

Eh, I’m less concerned about it these days… though that might be cause I’m in the Arathi for the Horde club. Though I want them to specifically use the thin model you see in Kul’tiras which is based on the female forsaken skeleton so…

I think right now what I really want to see is Furbolg for Alliance and Ogres for Horde.

Please no. It was bad enough that they added dwarves to the Horde. Can we please keep factions a little visually distinct, just a little.

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Gnomes were playable before Goblins. the horde jsut got b** hurt they they didnt have an adorable race like the gnomes.

We got goblins since War 2.
They were playable as much as gnomes.

Lmao, thats some cope right there

Honestly I kinda love that. Current gobbos are more modern new yorker bruisers and a new goblin race can be more of an elegant mob vibe. One’s camp one’s classy. They’d blend well.


gnomes are alliance goblins.

Then why it is it okay when we get it, the Horde?
Do you see the problem here? A double standard system.

The Horde has already humans with long ears and magical eyes. That’s literally the only difference.

As Horde, we got Goblins, the antagonist race against Gnomes. The afore mentioned is why alliance should NOT get goblins. There is no double standard here that applies.


Locked behind the RNG of the Trading Post. Not even farmable.

Unfortunately. But!.. at least they’re making skirts. I’m sure we’ll see more variants in the future, and hopefully various ways to acquire them.

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This makes more sense than playable monsters, that’s for sure.

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Shame we didn’t get actual Horde Dwarves just altered ones like we got with botched Nightborne from Night Elves.

If Blizzard would give us an actual Alliance race on Horde with like 95% shared customization like they did for Alliance (Void Elves) I might agree with this but the sharing has been one sided.


This was not the discussion:

it’s nice to have wants. Doesn’t mean players should get what they ask for.

I ask again: Why it is it okay when we get it and not the Alliance? This is not a goblin-related question.

Asked and answered in the top quote.


Gnomes aren’t greedy little gremlins, nor did they need to be exposed to kajamite to be smart in the first place.

Gnomes create their inventions for the sake of knowledge, innovation, and advancement in technology, for the good of all Gnomes and for Azeroth. Goblins, on the other hand, create their inventions for profit over anything else, and you can tell with their cut-rate contraptions which even in-game, have a higher rate of backfire and failure.

Realistically, the downfall of Gnomeregan stemmed from the Trogg issue that was caused by the dwarves excavating carelessly into Titan ruins. Leper Gnomes are only the way that they are because of radiation; goblins as a whole however, are known to generally be creatures of greed and vice as it is their societal norm.

Gnomeregan is still partially polluted because the Gnomes willingly put their efforts on hold to help the rest of Azeroth’s forces fight every single world-ending threat, including the Horde’s corrupt warchiefs, twice. They’ve at least secured a foothold in the city and are poised to retake it now that Thermaplugg is dead and the Mechagnomes can provide reinforcements.
(And hopefully now that the writers and world devs can shed some light on the Gnomes’ progress over the last 14 years whenever they decide to update the old world)