Ice Fishing bugged when on "Net Worth" quest

Still broken for me.


Also still broken for me. The “Interact with Target” thing didn’t work at all. I ended up getting it to work by moving my camera angle around to where I was facing the front of my character (rather than my player’s back). I then zoomed in really close on the bobber. After I did that, I got it the first try.

For those who feel like you shouldn’t have to hula hoop to complete a quest because Blizzard still hasn’t fixed this bug, you can have someone else open the ice crack and you can fish without all the hoops… that being said not everyone has a friend online all the time. FIX THE BUG BLIZZARD

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It’s still bugged after almost a year, so I guess Blizz doesn’t care given how their paying customers have to come up with subpar solutions to their bugs… Anyways //rant off… the Interact with target solution worked for me (I tried making the bobber bigger and facing the camera in different directions but couldn’t get them to work). To enable the “interact with target” just go to the game options and search for “interact” then check the “enable interact key” check box under the controls heading. Under that is the key bound to interact with, which you can change. (just adding a little more detail to Jerry’s explanation as it wasn’t clear enough). Hope this helps.

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I think Blizzard was a little sneaky on the “Net Worth” quest being bugged. To complete this pick up the quest, doesn’t matter if you have the other quests too. You must go to an ice fishing hole that someone else has opened and fish to complete the quest. I have completed this on 7 tunes each time. Should work for you.

Just confirming on Cupcake’s post on another tune I have completed 12 tunes on the “Net Worth” quest that is bugged. Pick up the quest and go to an ice fishing hole that someone else opened and fish to complete the quest. It does work.

The issue with this quest is not whether you can complete the quest or not… the issue is that when you have the quest you are unable to fish at all, fish or anything else, from holes that you open or (and I confirmed this yesterday) holes that other people open. If I have this quest i’m unable to fish by just right clicking on the hole that is opened, it doesn’t matter who opened it. I can fish normally if I enable the interact key as mentioned above. So don’t say that it works if you have to change the normal behavior of fishing and it’s not specified that you have to on the quest, that confuses people and it will never be fixed.


THANK YOU! binding the interact key isnt enough need to enable the interact key option too. that fixed it for me

WORKED PERFECTLY FOR ME I key bind Alt-Ctrl-Z in options

This worked for me. You have to make sure the bobber is highlighted otherwise it’ll just recast. Good luck.

Just encountered this, but realized the tooltip would interact with what it was showing. Make sure it is showing Bobber, not Fishing Hole.

This is a life saving answer!!