ICC BUFF needs to drop

As a reminder-- the buff is optional. Any player can always choose to remove it from themselves.

Doesn’t talking to the Faction Leader remove the buff to everyone in the raid, not a single-player?

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Yes, it does.

Why are you worried about what happens outside your own raid group?


Kaivax…I may get punished for replying to you on here with this…but can you for the love of god convey to the uppers in Blizz to fix their Vote to kick system please?

Why is it that companies like Square Enix solved this problem nearly 6 years ago with FF14 with unjustified kicks, yet in Wrath and soon Cata Classic this is still a problem? Kicks should only happen for those who are AFK or DC after a few minutes. And when someone falsely kicks, it should be a violation of TOS with penalties.

This is directly from SE’s policy for FF14:
Unjustified usage of Vote Dismiss

Refers to the act of dismissing a player in a way that is unjustified under the intended use of Vote Dismiss.

Key Points

If a report has been filed and the prohibited activity is confirmed, a penalty will be issued.

Please note that Square Enix may conduct investigations and issue a penalty in its discretion even if a report has not been filed if the act was confirmed publicly through online video, streaming services, or other means.

Why doesn’t Wrath Classic have an identical policy?!?!


Good thing no one cares what you think. :clown_face:


Are you gonna add an achievement for clearing the raid without the buff?


This is crazy. There are 2,400 11/12H guilds that are still progressing (including mine) that want to kill HLK pre-nerf.

No, the option to turn it off doesn’t help anyone. Obviously nobody is going to turn down free loot and watch other guilds clear it first.


If you want to kill it without the buff just turn it off. Good job contradicting yourself all in one post.


I would like to see this.


Gj needing everything handed to you.

Enjoy your participation epics you didn’t earn


please reconsider. it’s so early. believe or not sometimes people should have to work for things and sometimes it’s good when there is a prestige with accomplishments.


Why are people mad? It’s just more worldbuffs. I thought classic players liked those!


All the 2/12 Heroic to 6/12 heroic players can’t handle the prog, they want their free epics.

God forbid they actually have to work for something.


It’s not early. They said it would come around week 8. If you don’t want to use it then turn it off. Ball’s in your court.



So the half of your raid who just wants loot will complain if you turn it off. The other half who want the challenge will complain if you leave it on. What happened to learning your lessons from SSC/TK and not rushing it?


That’s too soon. We barely just started progression on Heroic Lich King 25. I was expecting this in january.

Remember, this is classic, we’re not raiding 9+ hours a week anymore.

I know we can turn the buff, but nobody in their right mind would do that before they hav killed it and missing a chance for loot, especially since there is no achievement or reward to do it at 0%.


I seem to recall that when you turned the buff off for the raid, you couldn’t turn it back on for the remainder of the lockout. Is that still the case (or it never worked like that and I’m just mistaken)?

The people who can’t get glad is there any buff for them??

Working towards something never seems to matter, can everyone just get everything??


You realize progression is a myth right? This content was cleared decades ago. It’s not new. If you didn’t do it on live then you aren’t actually doing it now because the strats are all out there.

All you try hards are actually accomplishing nothing. Half the battle is developing strats without youtube videos.

YOU aren’t skilled enough to do that so quit QQing.