ICC BUFF needs to drop

Bad players just wanting the easy way out and dont wanna work towards anything and just want it handed to them for no reason.

KIll normal if people dont want to prog heroic, its the same cinematic, the only reason people want it is for the loot they dont deserve.


Again, the buff is also for normal mode.

Imagine not being able to kill it on normal.

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Imagine not realizing that people of all skill levels play this game.

You only deserve a buff when the next raid launches and not a minute before.

You guys are progging normal and looking you up even tho you hide logs it looks like you guys are 2/12h and you just killed Sindri on normal today.

See you guys are progging!

Normal LK Soon, i see you had 13 wipes on him today, you guys will get it soon!


Buffs comin. Cant wait till your even more mad about it lol

Summon the buff
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


So full 30% buff when Ruby Sanctum opens up? I’m fine with that.

This would be a better option imo, RS in January and 30% buff all at once, rather than scale it.

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I wanted Ruby Sanctum before the buff… it’d be a better way to nerf the LK raid than just splatting a 30% buff on there. With a 30% buff, my friend group GDKP wouldn’t see half the mechanics because the boss would just die before they even happened.

Lady Deathwhisper with 1 MC and 1 group of adds. Marrowgar without his iconic Bonestorm. Saurfang without marks even being in the fight. Festergut without doing the spores at all. Rotface before the explosion. PP sitting at the table the entire fight.

Exactly this.

This is how current wow is treated.

You lose the chance for achievements and cutting edge but the previous tier is immediately nerfed when new tier launches.

So when RS launches do full 30%

They don’t care they want their free epics.

They aren’t here to prog


Go to retail with all your wack POVs.

Summon the buff
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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ICC was retail.


It’ll be coming soon, why are you all arguing with idiots? They don’t get a say in this. It’s week 6 now, Blizzard said expect it around week 8.

“Was” is no longer and how the things you described from retail 100% were not in og WoTLK, and came way later like literally WOD, and no one wants WOD.

Not even sure what you’re saying I said that was from wod???

I didn’t even play wod.

It’s ok I understand prog is too hard for you, the content you’re purposely making harder needs a nerf so you can clear it…

This is a WoD change.

We plan to initialize the power increase in ICC on December 5.

It will start as a 5% buff, and it will increase by 5% every two weeks until it reaches the max of 30%.

As a reminder-- the buff is optional. Any player can always choose to remove it from themselves.


How to kill prog raiding.


Thank you for the update! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: