ICC BUFF needs to drop

Ok If people wanted super hard raid content They would not be playing classic They would be playing Dragon flight Were you literally at the memorize 7+ Mechanics and if you mess up one it’s an instant wipe.

People don’t play classic So they can wipe on a boss 100+ Times On top of that why the heck do you care ?

If you get the gear before they do Honestly explain to me how It affects you ? Unless those people are directly in your guild or in a gdkps That you’re in It doesn’t affect you in any way On top of that No one says you have to use the buff.



Because wiping isn’t fun? If I wanted to “prog” bosses, I’d play retail.


Wotlk was retail.

You’re wiping on a retail raid, just 15 years later.


Ummmm You could make that argument with any of the older expansions You could make that with classic or tbc Yeah at one point they were current.

Wrath and df Have two completely different audiences is my point If people wanted a super extreme hard rating experience.

They would be doing dragonflight mythic People don’t play wrath To wipe on a boss 100 + Times.

Because yes let’s be honest here If we’re comparing this too Dragonflight even normal Even Harolic 25 man Which king is nothing in comparison to the difficulty.

Just base on the way classes play alone There is almost no comparison But again people do not play classic Whether that be classic Vanilla or wrath.

For extremely hard raid difficulty That would be Dragonflight And again I ask explain to me.

Unless they are directly on your raid team or in a gdkps So both cases they have to be on your server and Faction.

Why do you care If other people Get the same gear you do Just a lot later It doesn’t affect you in any way outside of those two circumstances.

O my bad Absolutely max 4 Because of rdf and pvp Potentially Outside of those, it doesn’t matter It doesn’t affect you in any way shape or form.

What does that even mean when ICC is the same as it was back then??

ICC isnt some futuristic retail DF raid, its a 15 year old raid and people are crying because they want a buff to beat the raid, why?

Beat it on normal its the same cinematic.

Have you not read any of these replies from people who share my opinion? It literally has nothing to do with gear, infact the ONLY reason you all want to even beat it is for the gear which is why youre asking for a buff to beat it, otherwise you wouldnt care since normal is the same cinematic.

Raiding is structured to be a progression based system, it always has been and even in DF it is still that.

If you cant beat the raid with the gear youre getting then you dont deserve to kill it, period. You could make an argument if there was only this difficulty and people couldnt clear it but that isnt the case.

Heroic was literally made to be a step up from normal for raid teams to come togehter and overcome and progress on a much harder version of normal.

Youre literally manually making the raid harder by setting it to heroic and then have the nerve to ask for a buff to make the raid you just manually made harder easier.


So you’re not good enough to beat a 15 year old boss?


Are you having trouble reading what I typed? I guess that explains your poor raiding performance. Have to be able to read your abilities to use them properly.

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I mean you’re the one who can’t kill a 15 year old boss.


I’m better at this game than you are. You gave up before you even entered ICC. I outdpsed you in Ulduar on my Blood DK.

Bad, just bad. :wastebasket:

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Ok but I have killed HLK and you’re whining for a buff.


Summon the buff
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

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So why are you here? Never raided and never killed the LK and have no intention to. Just trolling people who want the buff because you can’t clear the content with or without it? Try saying your bad at the game without saying your bad at the game.

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if you are wiping on ICC you are doing something wrong, and asking for an overpowered buff is silly and premature


Here’s you wiping 8 times on Normal mode Blood Queen:


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Dude you literally gray parse normal ICC. I think you’re the last person to be telling others that they’re doing something wrong.

it’s really not a hard raid, keep whining & asking for unnecessary buffs
that’s why I don’t do PuGs anymore, people try to avoid doing mechanics

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you’re the baddie whining to buff a short time after ICC is released, haha
Unlike you I probably enjoy it & don’t tryhard turbo sweat nerd which is ruining the classic experience.

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Summon the buff for everyone except Pumar.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


All the more reason to add the buff.

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Not personally in a rush for the buff, but I can also understand some of the reasons people want it. Perspective for me is running 2 toons 11/12H 25s GDKPs each week in 1 night clears around 3hrs or less. I can understand the desire by groups that mostly do 4-5 Heroics and are stuck in progression and others that just run out of raid time to try clearing in a single night. Even our GDKPs dont have much practice time spent on LK Heroic simply because they want a clean fast clear and if there are any wipes on previous bosses it limits time availability.