ICC BUFF needs to drop

December 5th is the 9th reset. Literally the week after 2 months

because you don’t like the buff?


Oh no you might only be #623 instead of #615z
The great race will be RUINED! Lol


Why are you worried about what other guilds are doing? There is nothing preventing your guild from turning off the buff and continuing your progression.


Let’s all just get along and get back to playing WoW. After all we are considered secondary players by retail community so we might as well band together…

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There’s nothing wrong with thinking this way. “Flexing” is a thing in any multi player game. Even in something as simple as World Zero on Roblox. Even if no one cares, people like to feel like they are above others. This goes for any competitive game. People complain about gate keeping, but fact is, it’s a 100% legitimate part of a game. It isn’t sad, it’s a carrot on the stick. It’s supposed to make people work harder and want to play more. So really, what many of these players are saying is they’re lazy. And coming from a mature, adult audience, that’s plain sad. If you can’t clear the content for whatever reason, too bad and stop whining. It’s not a good look.

These aren’t kids we’re talking about. These are adults. Pathetic.


People can, but don’t want to put in work. That’s 10 times worse. So not only can they not hack Retail, they come to Classic and they can’t hack that either. Then they start whining.

Keep in mind these are adults we’re talking about here.


worst decision ever. what’s the point of living without h lk at 0% before the buff


You’re an adult. Stop whining. I’m serious.

My kid is taking a test to get into a prestigious private school. Only a small % get in. And the parents who’s kids do get in will be very aware that their kid got in and this other kid did not.

Gatekeeping is a part of life and elitism. As an adult, if you don’t know that yet, you’re living under a rock. If you can’t tolerate that, grow up.

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Bro really trying to flex real life prestige in an online video game forum :rofl:

The idea is the same. Gatekeeping will exist, and elitism will exist in whatever people do.

That’s a big “yikes” from me, dog

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you’re doing it wrong

just bribe the admin

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So true. Problem is every parent “donates” every year so I’m just keeping up with the Jones’s.

The reward is the date stamp on your achievement. Didn’t clear it before Dec 5th? Well, just explain to all the people you link your achievement to that you deactivated the buff and see just how much they care.

The only people that really care about what your guild accomplished are in your guild.

I also find it funny that people upset over the buff are comfortable telling everyone they shouldn’t ask for handouts. Well, you and your guild weren’t good enough to drop Heroic LK in the allotted time before the buff. Stop asking Blizz to handout more time, to practice and accrue 277s. It’s ok. If y’all kill Heroic LK the first week of the 5% buff, that’s pretty elite by any reasonable player’s standards.

Whatever anyone decides to do post buff, the world will keep spinnin and all of us scrubs that haven’t killed LK yet and likely won’t even with a 30% buff will just keep playing the game as long as we are having fun.



No, that is a child. If you enjoy pushing yourself in really challenging content, more power to you. But acting like this and belittling people over a video game is ridiculous. That is not an adult.



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I know pretty sad to see adults whine like children, huh?

Who’s whining?

Blizzard made this buff, not the players. And they made it 13 years ago.

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Plenty of whining to lower the difficulty floor. The thread is full of whiners about the thread itself. I actually read through all 400 posts. It sounded like a bunch of little kids.

You usually make pretty logical posts. Unfortunate to see such a take.

By the way, this buff is happening about exactly when Blizz said it would. There should be no surprise in this.

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