ICC BUFF needs to drop

do not play with the buff…problem solved.

have you missed classic cata trailer? it said first half of 2024, so we only got less than half year for the pre-patch, or maybe less So the buff dropping in 2weeks is most fair timing.

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Same here, which makes the entire project relevant.
My original guild was imploding between TOGC and ICC.

Is why I am beyond thrilled for the second chance.

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Less than half a year at the latest. If the buff launches December 5th, increasing by 5% every 2 weeks as Kaivax says, it’ll reach its 30% maximum February 13th, just under 3 months from now. Factor in the Cataclysm prepatch, which if it follows the pattern of the Wrath and TBC prepatches, will last around a month, that’s maybe 2 months total of the full 30% buff

And again, that’s at the latest

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Same, but let’s not pretend its progression when we’re all just following guides and strats developed a dozen years ago.

Even retail progression does that what are you even saying unless you’re literally the world first race you’re following what they did.

You can literally get cutting edge every tier and by the time you typically get there all the strategies are already defined all the WAs have been made better…

You can tell none of you have actually done hard retail content


Back then it was watching TenTonHammer videos and guides and strats either way.
The strats don’t play for you. Still gotta deal with that defile yourself. :upside_down_face:

Only proving my earlier point that this is RUSHED as everything in Classic has been.
There’s a LOT of people who only wanted Wrath, maybe myself included.
I’m afraid too many will just quit and Classic will just die off at Cata launch.

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Omg Thank you so much for giving confirmation on a date, and thank you so much for finally dropping it.


finally after a long hard checks notes 6 weeks

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No one wants ICC for an entire year

Definitely no one will want Dragon Soul for an entire year either

Aside from the final phases not being as exhaustingly long as they have been in the past, Classic has otherwise been about on par with original releases. I don’t know where you’re getting the idea that everything in Classic has been rushed

I mean at least they gave us a date finally Which you know I appreciate we know when it’s coming.

Let’s be honest, we all play Classic because it’s easy mode WoW.


not easy enough apparently


It will be soon enough. :wink:

Ask anyone who cares about the length of pvp seasons. Mcg has the list.
They’ve been about half as long.
When is a new season launched? Customarily along with a new raid phase.

Not true at all retail just went to a bad direction…

I don’t like required chores or borrowed power or infinite AP grinds…

The more some of you talk the more it shows how clueless most of you are about the game.


ICC was released like 10 days sooner than it did in original Wrath. Can’t really say it’s rushed.


people on these forums are really going to hate cata if they choose to play it, every tier its going to be the carousel of going to the forums and complaining they are 1/12 heroic and need nerfs after 6 weeks and they can’t fall back on the “you can turn it off” meme


People unironically care about pvp in Classic?

People unironically care about pvp in WoW period?

The ideal rollout of this phase would be heroic was the only difficulity and buffs never drop.

I can’t wait.