ICC BUFF needs to drop

I mean high level pvp is basically pretty scripted.

They do X so I counter with Y.

ICC buff can come out when Ruby Sanctum is released, that makes sense since the gear that drops there is on equivalent and better than ICC loot

next year sometime, maybe end of January ish

do you think progress guild was progressing icc on the day icc got released in classic?
do you think any guild who already cleared 12/12hc was progressing icc when it got released on classic?

Hell No.

OK OK you speak of the people who never been in icc and play to progress atm? who prevented them from doing that if they play to have fair progress? they can disable the buff. ā€œyouā€™ll say they wonā€™tā€ then they donā€™t want to progress by your rules so who are you to force them progress by your own rules?


Failrogue mumbles incoherently.
You are confused.

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And thatā€™s a problem because?

Itā€™s just a game.

I totally link my logs to my CV.

None of this changes the fact Wrath Classic is a re-run.


you just donā€™t want to acknowledge logic
but heyā€¦the buff is coming, people are happy :smiley: & youā€™re mad for no reason beside that you failed to force everyone to play the game the way you want them to play it.

and iā€™ll repeat shadows words

like it or notā€¦ thatā€™s true fact.


Have you considered turning the buff off then? Itā€™s confirmed to be optional.


Issue with that is that all 24 other players would also want to turn it off.

ā€œHello raid team. Letā€™s turn off the buff so we can progress without it.ā€

And then you have someone like shadow in your raidā€¦

Elune have mercy, I actually agree with Bloomsday for once.

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Why would you raid with someone like that?


So I guess all of WarcraftLogs is a lie, then?

Fun fact, people can make serious progression out of whatever they want.
There is no set purpose to playing any game. It is whatever you want it to be.
People wanted to progress awhile, that choice is being removed for them. Again.

Thereā€™s how many months until Cata? Most of a year? Rushing the buff ā€œso everyone can see all content in timeā€ is a crazy excuse. The happiest people right now are those who are too afraid or too impatient to actually work at the mechanics. Where is the sense of accomplishment in needing nerfed content?

BTW what is the result of trivializing content early? It actually makes attrition faster.
So they will need to roll another gimmick to keep people playing. Ruby Sanctum likely a month out. Cata rushed to 3 months. Etc.

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But Iā€™m not in your raid, so you donā€™t need to worry about me.

I said someone like youā€¦ afraid of progression and wants everything handed to them

Iā€™m not afraid of progression. In fact, Iā€™ve already accomplished far more in Wrath Classic then I ever did in OG Wrath.

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most of pvp gameplay is entirely scripted, weā€™ve all played the same match ups vs the same players like 200 times, there are literally strategy guides for every meta comp vs every other meta comp, dpr/rogue vs warr/pala all play the same way for example only in wrath they dodge the warr/pala they canā€™t beat (double human with shadowmourne and dbw) and use a weakaura to check if they are online before they queue, big keks pvp btw

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