ICC BUFF needs to drop

Well, yeah? The point was you can drop to normal if you’re struggling with the content. It’s very attainable for even the dad guilds and only gets easier with more gear.

Imagine going into a raid setting it to heroic then crying when you can’t do it and you don’t wanna put wipes into it, so instead you cry for a buff to make the raid you made harder on purpose easier.

You can’t make this stuff up lmfao.

the most epic boss in wow’s history, killed by a debuff the game developers give out. peak rpg experience





I just see it as another difficulty now without the buff and that’s fine by me.

Normal w/ buff and without
Heroic w/ buff and without.


The truth can hurt sometimes…

I enjoyed progression raiding, back when I was into it.

Now I’m fine with EZ Mode LFR. Blizzard did well making Retail accessible to all. Not all deserve the same loot.

No sense denying it. Just own it.

All truthful observations.

Just add LFR, at that point.

You are also quite good at being reductive.

LFR difficulty did hurt the game less than adding Mythic difficulty did so why not, everything is clown shoes in the forum anyway.

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He can’t, and it’s hysterical. He thinks telling people "Haha, you couldn’t clear H LK without the buffs!’ means anything. Oh no, how will they go on? Such shame. :rofl:

This is what happens with someone who has their ego wrapped in a video game. They think everyone else does as well.


And that’s the only nerf it should have.


You can’t cope it literally has nothing to do with ego, heck I might not even kill it since my raid lead is taking a break and my group might not raid anymore.

It has nothing to do with any of that, what it does have to do with is you’re making the raid harder manually and refuse to prog on that harder setting and instead want it handed to you.

You made the raid harder on purpose and now you want a buff to make the raid you purposely made harder easier.

Literally answer how that makes any sense??

That is an incorrect conclusion. Look how many raiders naxx lost by the end of phase 1. The numbers always go down after time. It has nothing to do with the lack of nerfs.

Minus the holiday weeks nax opened with 408k raiders and ended with 473k. How did nax lose raiders?

What are you looking at? The graph I see says it peaked at a little over 600k and ended a little over 300k.

It’s hard to put the metric down. Most people think because one or two guildies quit, then raiders are down.

Ironforge.pro and wcl track unique characters, not unique accounts. So we could have lost unique players while the number of raiders go up as more people spend time on alts.

But I do agree with you, I think we have more people now than we did in Naxx.

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I’m not talking about peaks, I’m talking about retention. Every raid is going to see peaks, but you can see clear burn off in Ulduar that is not relevant in any other raid tier, but close to some of the hardest Classic/TBC tiers.

This is kind of why I ignore the peaks, but I use it because the data is strong enough imo, but everyone is able to make their own assumptions.

Also as far as what weeks
10-04 - 10-10 (Nax Opened)
1-10 - 1-16 (Ulduar opened the following lockout)

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