ICC BUFF needs to drop

I meeeeeeeeeeeeeean the minority are the sweats that have killed it. 2% lol.

a relatively small percentage of guilds had cleared Algalon 5 weeks in as well, and everything was fine. The number of guilds killing HC LK will naturally keep increasing as people get more 277 loot from other bosses. The nerf just isnā€™t needed. This is the kind of nerf you hit the raid with at the end of the phase to let stragglers catch up.


Same, I started being vocal about wanting the buff only because the interview crix had and the developer called LK a mythic boss. So I thought weā€™d be waiting till January. I think they are finally starting to be more casual friendly looks at SoD. Even with Retail delves being solo and giving upto heroic loot.

Locking out the main route of progression to the average player is bad imo. If they would just switch to really sweet cosmic gear from Heroic, this issue would dissolve itself.

Over half the raiders in Ulduar quit we went from 471k logged raids at the start of the phase to something like 268k. It hurt the game to keep it hard for a long time.

I donā€™t see it as locking players out. I see it as working as intended. They intended that boss to be artificially enhanced and more difficult. That keeps the carrot on the stick for us casualsā€¦

As a casual player if I start seeing everyone else whoā€™s at my level or worse all rolling through that content Iā€™ll be less satisfied with any amount of progress.

But letā€™s face itā€¦ I am a loot wh*reā€¦ :japanese_ogre:


Jeeze was there this much complaining back in original WOTLK? I donā€™t seem to remember it considering no one killed H LK w/o the buff

And when you kill it with your buff people will still quit.

Youā€™re acting as if people arenā€™t quitting anyway lmfao.

Itā€™s an optional difficulty, there should be no buffs for it, if you donā€™t want it hard donā€™t make it hard lmfao

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Around and around we go. Why do you even continue to argue itā€™s here now and itā€™s not leaving. You donā€™t like it got it.

The data shows people will farm easy raids. All of classic raiding history is on ironforge. The data also shows people quit hard raids. Ulduar is a prime example.


Thatā€™s pathetic.

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Your not wrong but Iā€™m not suggesting LFR here, Iā€™m saying that making it only a bit harder than it was originally is ok rather than making it way harder.

lol QQ more

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I find it funny that no one complained when Shadowmourne acquisition time was lowered, but are losing their minds over a buff that everybody knew was going to happen, this was something added in original wrath, you can go see the buff in Retail ICC right now. Its happening, it was always going to happen, quit crying and get to progging if you are so worried about getting a heroic LK kill before the buff drops. And to people saying its to early, its really not, they said Cata would be early 2024 and they want this buff out at full strength before the cata prepatch, they will most likely release RS once the buff hits 20% or 30%.

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Itā€™s like two elitist tryhards making a ruckus. Because they canā€™t handle other ā€˜inferiorā€™ players getting the same rewards as them.

Its rather hysterical people take a game so seriously.


Go outside all of you.


So seriously you need to kill the content.

If it ainā€™t that serious why are all of you in a massive panic without the buff?

Who cares right?

You also still donā€™t understand my argument it has nothing to do with being elitistā€¦

Your purposely making a fight harderā€¦ youā€™re then going to get a buff to make the fight you just purposely made harder easier literally your ego aside how does that make sense?

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I donā€™t want the buff for the loot. I want the buff to shorten the amount of progression on the only truly difficult fight in ICC that also happens to be nearly 20 minutes long and will consist of 100+ wipes, many of which will be 15 minutes into the fight.

Heroic LK is going to take more prog time than the rest of WoTLK combined.


I mean you should be able to clear to H LK in 1 day then have your 2nd day for your 3-4 hour raid all on LK.

:rofl: :rofl:

Please donā€™t stop posting this stuff. Itā€™s hilarious how some people have their identity wrapped up in a video game.

The fact you think anyone cares about your insults speaks volumes.


Iā€™m starting to think you comprehend nothing.

There is no insults, youā€™re making the raid purposely harder and then you want a buff to make the raid you literally made harder on purpose easier.

This really isnā€™t hard to figure out how dumb that is.

The buff is for normal mode too.


So, we agree on that!