ICC BUFF needs to drop

Are you going to unsub? Otherwise when you enter ICC on Dec 5th you will be one of those cringe players turning it on.

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That wasn’t the original plan.

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I don’t think even they’re going to turn it off, because it’s going to hurt their parses to do so

I imagine logs will just remove the buff amount

Yeah, depends how WCL implements it. Right now they’re talking about splitting logs into 3 partitions (0%, 5-25%, 30%) and making the default 0%. So if you want the default profile page to be pink you’re gonna have to turn it off.

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I agree that the ICC buff is being rolled out too early and would prefer if the raid remained as challenging as intended on heroic difficulty until the release of the next phase of content. There will be no scene or raid groups for 99% of the playerbase that will be willing to turn the buff off just for the sake and satisfaction of clearing a pre-nerfed ICC when every other comparable raid group on their faction/server/realm etc will be leaving the buff on. It also doesn’t make sense to remove the more challenging aspects in the final raid of an expansion for players who have been looking forward to and preparing for these challenges since the expansion began. I hope people are able to take into account the overwhelmingly negative community response to the proposed ICC buff implementation and adjust the schedule accordingly.


Phase 4 is the final phase of Wrath before Cata releases

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i’m sure the reference is to ruby sanctum

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The buff was added during OG wrath. This is the intended difficulty to land on.

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That’s just copium from lower skilled players.


It’s almost like there’s a need for something between normals and heroic lich king no buff.

How does that even make sense? Copium that blizzard is following the path of OG wrath? Man copium sure has changed since people started using that word.


RS isn’t another phase. The gear is on par with LK gear

Turn off the buff and show us how it’s done then.

You haven’t earned your epics unless you turn off all add-ons, play in first person mode, and only cast from the spell book like a true wizard.


Coping because they had the buff back then that you should get it now.

No one cleared it back then, it’s being cleared now.

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Has everything to do with that, it’s a 15 year old decision. If you wanna say you killed it unbuffed you still can. Plenty of people will still be progging with the buff. Just because you’re a mega sweat top % player doesn’t mean everything should revolve around the minority. You guys forget this is a VIDEO GAME.


346 guilds (8650 people)
411,000 logged raiders

2% of people. That’s it. How in the world would you expect a game to survive on that?

I’m actually kinda shocked they gave us the buff this soon… Blizzard is known for doubling down on making it hard… Uber Lilith, M+, Mythic Raids…. They cater to the 2%

The game shouldn’t revolve around the minority, but we have normal modes for a reason.