ICC BUFF needs to drop

each person can turn it off themselves talking to a NPC

Yes the optional setting to manually make the raid harder on purpose for more of a challenge should not have a buff…

Not sure how that doesn’t make sense to you.

that isn’t how the buff worked originally, its a zone wide buff that applies to everyone in the instance

Yes, that’s what difficulty settings are for.

Yes, it’s a difficulty between normal and hardest.

Oh no!

It’s optional and was in the original wrath. So it’s in the spirit of the game to add it.

Not sure how this doesn’t make sense to you.

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normals are there for casual players, why nerf heroics to cater to casuals more?


Yes, the post is giving me “some changes” vibes

Because there are more casual players than try hards, so catering to them seems like the logical decision to grow a game.


Normals are for the casual players, they are killing the hardcore raiding scene in WotLK classic by releasing this early


The hardcore raiding scene is not large enough to support the game. Sorry that it is dying as a result, but if you care about hard raiding you should go tryout retail where they cater more to the tryhards.


The difference in responses between the EU and US forums is staggering. Most EU people seem to not want it this early, just like the hardcore scene does in the US. They buffed ferals because of casuals complaining feral was too hard, they buffed ret because casuals complained. We can’t leave this one thing to the hardcore scene until Ruby Sanctum as was the original plan set out?

Original plan was to have the buff at 8 weeks like the interview Sarthe had back before ICC released.

RS is planned for first week/two of January per the interview with Crix.

Imo, this is a mistake. This is just like phase 2 of TBC. Except the major difference is that SSC TK didn’t have a normal mode for guilds to switch on if the content was too difficult that week. For most guilds, they are just coming into a majority of the raid having 4 set at 264 ilvl and that is if all their raiders were also doing 10mans. Then, we have thanksgiving next week. This buff should not be phased in as 5% increments but added as the larger buff later in the phase with Ruby Sanctum release. I don’t understand the rush.


they’re doing the same thing they did with sunwell tbc phase.

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Why are you so worried about everyone else? Your guild can turn it off. Your progression is preserved. I don’t see the big deal.


exactly, why rush it out. We doing need there to be 8 months of buffed ICC. this is dumb.

I do not think there will exist a popular scene to do unnerfed ICC. Maybe I’m wrong and it will be possible to find such raids - but I doubt it. This is the end of the challenge of ICC.


EXACTLY!!! thank god someone else on the us forums seems to understand this. This game caters to many types of player, killing a scene for the more competitive players because the causals complain its too hard is literally excluding a large group of people from enjoying the game. Why turn it off, its a hinderance to gearing your guild; which is ultimately the success of a guild. People saying to just turn it off seem to not understand this.


If there isn’t any reward for killing it without the buff–achievement, FoS, extra loot–literally anything, then guilds are not going to do it. Time for ICC to repeat the Naxx snoozefest

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There will not. Players naturally take the path of least resistance. Outside of the sweaty chad guilds (who are playing for parsing) no one is going to turn it off.