ICC BUFF needs to drop

What won’t be optional is the buff existing and allowing players to get the same loot. Loot is, of course, one of the pillars the game was built on. I understand some fights (H LK) are not being cleared by many players, but some of the fights you are nerfing are fights that are already being cleared by the strong majority of players. I dont see anything interesting in doing a fight that is nerfed from the fight we were all already clearing. This is too long before Cata to have to get through uninteresting fights to get to anything challenging.

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Keep in mind it’s every TWO weeks.

iirc, in OG Wrath it was on weekly increments. Not biweekly. So it’s staggered out this time around.


This is what gets me when people try to define what the “spirit of Classic” is. Who gets to decide what is Classic and what isn’t? People seem to really like to have their own definition and force everyone else to accept that definition.


That’s true… Well I guess what’s done is done. But it does kinda seem too early TBH… oh well.

Oh no! Extra difficulty settings were added!


Depends where you’re at in the fight. If you’re at a pinch point of the fight where things get crazy where people start dropping or the damage just isn’t quite there yet that 5% can absolutely do it for you.

It’ll compound with additional gear and faster reclear rates for more progression time; plus every two weeks it upticks. I’d imagine anyone who has had some decent progression on him will be done by 10%.

it was monthly in original wotlk

I didn’t try to define what the spirit of classic was I said the spirit of raiding.

This is literally how raiding has always been.

You progress thru the raid killing what you can getting the gear you can and getting stronger with the gear you just got to go back in next week and prog a little more

That’s literally how raiding has always been.

Now it’s prog a little get buff prog the rest.


screw the icc buff, can you please just skip to legion xpac so we can have fun with the artifact fishing pole

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Well in ICC this buff existed. So it’s in the spirit of ICC


An optional difficulty to make you prog, thats literally what its there for lmfao.

You’re making it harder but asking for a buff to make it easier

Yall are straight clowns.


Nah, it was around a month apart.

Announcement for 15% on mmo champ. April 27th:

30%, July 20th:


Sure back then since no one could kill it, that’s not the case. Ow.

Ooooh so you don’t actually want it in the spirit of the game.

You want it in the spirit of your lording


Your point lacks any sort of nuance. No raid team is going to allow a few people to turn the buff off. You all raid with it, or you all don’t. The vast majority of guilds are going to raid with the buff. Just like WBs in vanilla.

I don’t mind the buff coming out, but I feel it’s too soon. Guilds are making steady progress every week as players get more gear and reps - my own guild included. Would we ever kill H LK at 0%? No clue, but ICC is going to quickly become a faceroll, especially considering most players are probably low 260s ilvl.


convincing 25 people to increase the length of their raid night to prog a fight they can kill by talking to varian is going to be a very rare thing


The way this post is worded makes me a little worried. Theres no way that this is a personal buff you can click off, right? Surely it’s still going to be a raidwide buff that only the leader can disable.

He was paraphrasing hence the quotes after quoting me. I get how that can get lost in your heated rage over the addition of a buff that was available during OG WoTLK. Nerfing raid content has always been a normal thing to do in old raids in wow. So this is indeed in the lines of the spirit of classic raiding.

I bet no one would notice until like PP or Sindy if you just talk to him instantly.

It’s a game bro