ICC BUFF needs to drop

Listen… I won’t be deleting any freebie weapons tho! Lol I think it’s too soon and don’t like it but if it’s out, it’s out! I’m still gonna raid.

You’re 6/12H and no normal LK kill ofc you need the buff and want it.

How many reps do you have on H LK? Just curious. It looks like you’re benched for prog lol. I don’t see you on a single pull.

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Bro you haven’t even cleared half the normals. I wouldn’t worry about “freebies”.

My RAID team ended this week.

We are now going to One team.

Not sure what that roster is going to look like.

December is when the roster boss is coming so hard so it’s ok for me as raid leader

If you care about pure highest difficulty prog, turn it off.

If you prefer the easier version, great.

Don’t be grumpy that other people are happy, or getting rewards you don’t think they deserve.

It’s still progression for folks that need the buff. It’s not the end of the world that they will have the difficulty slowly progressively turned down after 2 months of it being set to the maximum.

You had your exclusive loot head start, if you care about the no buff victory lap, you still have 2 weeks to earn it, and can still turn it off after. If you don’t, it was never about wanting the challenge, it was just about you wanting the loot and keeping others from getting it.

I’m glad that Blizz is keeping ICC as it was in wrath, buff included.


I’ve done all of 10 man. My guild I run with has been doing this raid with 22 people… Give us a break

not surprising the amount of room temperature iq takes of “it doesn’t affect you, just turn it off if you don’t like it!” much like how everyone who hated wbuffs (most people) just didn’t use them (they did, because you were only griefing and your raid team yourself by not). “just turn off the buff” also doesn’t work when it’s a team environment of 25 people where almost certainly some people are going to want it and some are not. absolute genius take.

Its time to start flagging his posts that are like that for trolling. He could use a vacation from the forums.

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If you’re that mad go play an actually hard game dude. Imagine having an ego over wotlk…


Sooooo you won’t be turning the buff off?



It’s a video game, sport. Some people don’t have their ego and self worth attached to it. What do you care? Do your thing and let others do theirs.


Has nothing to do with that.

The buff is literally against the spirit of what raiding is.

You’re manually making the raid harder but then want a buff to make the raid you purposely made harder easier.


Then kill it on normal and keep it off heroic??

Or does normal gear not quite give you the dopamine hit that heroic gear gives?

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This is too early, give us more time to do prenerf content please. Even a 5% nerf degrades the achievement by far more than 5%


I really can’t tell if you’re being serious. Do people really think this way? LOL. That’s so funny.


thank god.


Why are you the one that gets to define the spirit of raiding? I’d be fine if they never nerfed heroic if it only gave cosmic rewards, but the game is about gearing out your character, so ofc I want full BiS and I don’t have time to find a sweaty guild like when I was a teenager, so these dad guilds need the buff to help them and I’m looking forward to having it.


:pray: :angel:

The lord hath blessed us with this 5% buff, amen.