I did and I thought it was nonsense. I just assumed maybe you’d want to be made aware of higher ilvl gear you have access to with the content you’re already doing that you aren’t taking advantage of.
Well. Thank you for that! I am still getting gross upgrades from my vault. No tier yet. For doing either lfr or normal.
Maybe let’s rephrase all this to a short and sweet TLDR:
I would like gearing to be more deterministic. And I would like player power to be more consistent and equal across different gamemodes. I’m not trying to do away with mythic+ progression or raid progression. I just feel like those progression systems and rewards belong operationally in the content and context they are designed for.
I have a hunch that wows world design and raid design teams don’t or didn’t cross over much, however that this had been steadily changing or that one team suddenly had to fill in for the other too… like this is how we got Zaralack.
I would honestly just pass on any non tier item in an Lfr vault, or even normal depending what it is and take the 3 wyrm crests to make a 437 with sparks.
So what. Normal and heroic should have an ilvl difference of 4 and m+ should drop normal loot at +11 and heroic ilvl loot starting at +17?
I do agree there’s no real reason for the distinction between explorer adventurer and arguably veteran, but beyond that?
We literally aren’t.
We are though.
How are we?
The ilvl gaps between content difficulties are the same as they were in SL, except we have the ability to use resources to shrink them / overlap into higher difficulties.
Upgrades are not a bonus. Any item that drops is the ilvl of its maximum upgrade. Considering that, there are only 3 tiers of endgame loot - Valor gear, Vault/Mythic gear, and “last two boss” gear. They’ve reverted us from the gradient loot if 10.0 back to the loot paradigm of 9.1, only with pointless busy work to keep us busy to upgrade our gear.
No. What they’ve done is make gradient loot only a thing in mythic and given everyone “End boss ilvl” from their respective difficulties.
All heroic gear is 441, all normal is 437, all mythic is not 450.
This is what I love. Being able to upgrade gear is great, looking forward to the additional Myth track in 10.1.5
The gradient is gone.
Doing M20s is no longer rewarding. Doing boss 7 is no longer rewarding. It’s all flat and boring and SL like. Only raiders have chase rewards now, only the last two bosses drop gear that isn’t common and trivial.
My only grip is that you need to keep the upgrade items in your bag…
The rest is fine.
World quests giving terrible rewards is another story though…
hearted for this alone and i dont want 434 ilvl or whatever gear from them, give us something other than tokens and flightstones to grind our mythic plus or raid gaears lol
Way to many currencies to keep up with imo. Just like the rings of power. There should be one currency to rule them all lol. In that you should only need one currency to upgrade stuff with instead of 6, or 7 different types. No better, than artifact power the way its set up now imo.
The problem is they put it in too late they should have had this when the ptr xpax started…because everyone has already hit there max so they don’t need the system…btw I love this system…but it’s a day late and a dollar short…
The nice thing is , this is deterministic upgrading .
We can decide what pieces we want to upgrade as well as determing which items we want to convert to tier.
Feel like it did when we were able to upgrade gear during SoO during MoP anf HFC during WoD with Valor. But now we are also able to convert certain items in to tier
I actually like the system cuz it makes transmog easy to get
Get the lfr and heroic piece, bam you can easily unlock all 4 versions
Oh wow,do they really give it to players ,I mean just hand them out,I haven’t seen that.
I can see where your coming from but I disagree I enjoy the upgrade system because I mainly pvp but I also have friends who do mythic plus my pvp gear honor can be upgraded to 398 max that allowed me to quickly jump from pvp to mythic 0 and I’m able to do both ends of content with having to dedicate majority of time to either or. I do think the gear system and loot drops need a re work