Just give eventually 424 gear for world stuff and balance wq around that. Like in BFA each weak emissary would give better based on avg ilvl. Cap at 424 tho. Give tertiary stats and sockets.
Getting 431s from the weekly quest or World content is way too strong.
Let us get 411s from LFR and m0. And give moar.
Let ppl who want to rly progress gear do herioc raids and mythic +
Give way more fun and chill WQ content like in bfa tho. And make 99% of rares soloable like old fashioned silver elites tho.
Give WQ and quest mobs actual mechanics. Let healers dps so they can solo. Make silver elites always give green and blue goodies and give mechs.
I literally don’t care if you cut and paste maw mobs or elites from prior expansions with different skins for the rares. As long as they do something we can cc or interrupt or dodge.
The dragon keep place with wrathion and sibellion isn’t terrible. Mobs just have too many hps. Healers definitely need biggur single target dps. Just boost it literally 100%
The upgrade system works for everyone. I don’t have to get some crap secondary stat gear and have to keep it. I can wait for good secondaries and upgrade those pieces.
This is a good progression system for all types of content and what many of us asked for.
Upgrade system is nice because it feels like there’s less “waste”. You get something you want, you spend currency to upgrade it. Heck, I was even able to recraft my boots and use them for a second pvp season and that’s really cool to me.
Im happy with how gearing works this patch.
Im not happy with the content in the patch, but in theory getting upgradable gear is good.
Although i would either make it so tiers of gear didnt exist so you could upgrade the lowest gear all the way to max so long as you had the right items to do so. Not advocating for getting the crests from the world, theres just too much low level gear that literally no one wants.
Alternatively, just scrap explorer gear and make veteran gear more common.
I dont overly like adventurer gear, but at least at the start of the patch it served a purpose.
Theres too much junk gear out there and that needs to be removed.
Oh, and add more sources for drake crests in the world. Rares get old real fast.
I really miss the simplicity and elegance of BFAs itemization. It struck a very strong middle ground and people who complained about it where just complaining, most of them raided herioc or pushed high enough keys the system didn’t really impact them in any truly negative way beyond the psychological of watch ppl get titanforgef gear.
This is one of the major pros of this system.
There are a few great suggestions here. Explorer gear is really meaningless. So is adventurer if we really want to think about it.
Honestly I would enjoy better itemization and more stuff to do … and I feel like the upgrade system sort of took away from that.
Maybe next patch it will be more streamlined. However I feel like the devs have never kept or really edited a system constantly. They brought back valor towards the end of SL. Which was totally fine. Zerith Mortis gear was actually pretty powerful in world content.
With this system we likely won’t see unique world patch gear again. It will always be a shadow of M+ or raid gear.
Nothing like benthic again. It’ll just be a lowq version of the same gear we get everywhere else. As Xalatath will say… boring!
Don’t even have to wait the way things are setup now! Upgrade that non-optimal piece, because when you get the one with the stats you want, it won’t cost crests to catch it up to the same ilvl.
I’m actually really enjoying this upgrade system. It’s not perfect, but it gives more mileage out of the gear you acquire. Plus, it makes collecting sets for mog a little easier.
Now they just need to bring back reforging and I’ll be a happy camper.
Btw you know if you take coins instead of Lfr items from your vault you can buy wyrm crests and make 437 items? Like a staff instead of that 424 experiments offhand.
Gross. I never wanted a 234 item! Didn’t you tead my OP!
Also definitely everyone should cap at 224 ilvl in open world content no matter what they are using. And tier should be disabled outside of raids. And WQ gear should have its own special tier effects. Infact it should be like benthic gear with a set bonus, plus a wheel inside it with selectable tier style bonuses! That work only in its own patch content!