I Would Play Arena With Zero Rewards

I like arena. I like getting gear. I’ll still play arena with the new rules but I’m not very good and probably won’t get most of my gear. That kinda sucks.


Your median parse is green lol, you can’t talk.

Because we know that arena could perform a lot better and be appealing to a larger majority if there was an incentive/growth to it. PvP is the hardest content in WoW and there is no “Normal” Arena match that trains you to play better. It’s entirely time oriented just like any PvP game. But if that time spent doesn’t actually bring growth to the player’s character and challengers are always superior in gear there is no reason to step foot into a very frustrating and exhausting experience.

If any FPS/DotA game gave unique advantages to players based solely on being the top player there would be an exodus. That’s why FPS, DotA, League, etc are all open with no advantages and purely cosmetic. Skill/Winning is based upon time spent rather than gated content.


Again, one piece of gear is not equivalent to 100 points of rating. With that, one piece of gear on someone else is not going to mean they beat you.

It just means they’ll have higher chance of beating me. Even if it was 49:51 that’s still an imbalance that can be rectified by opening the gear and allowing it to be 50:50. What’s so important about a singular piece being used by someone not at X rating?

Rating requirements on gear is not an issue. 2050 for the weapon is what is going to cause the ladder to dry out.

RNG means more than 1 upgrade that someone else has. Complain about that first. If they have a higher chance of beating you, they will and eventually you will only play those with the same gear with your logic. That means beat those with the same gear and you get better gear. How the system works and is designed to.

They can get the blue one and use it just fine.

Except there are ratings involved and being continually pushed down happens. If the population on the TBC arena is the same as retail you’ll have Rivals/Duelists struggling to get the top end gear.

why do they need the top end gear?
rival and duelist are percent based like all the other titles.
its based from average CR not highest cr achieved.
gear will be equal if less people get the higher gear.

If the current metrics are true the titles being handed our are around 1700 rated. If a Challenger/Rival/Duelist are all stuck below 2k what does that mean about acquiring gear at 2200? If the player pool is so deflated the gear imbalances begin to show as an epic s1 weapon is superior to any s1 blue weapon there is going to be further deflation overall. It’s going to be a DOA just as it is on Retail.

Arguing in favor of system that is already failing as these posts are being typed is enough evidence.

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Lmao you still don’t get it then. The system in retail is dead because no one plays. The system will work in tbc because people will play. stop making it about gear. gear doesn’t matter if balance is fine. which it is. i just can’t believe at this point you truly understand how it all works.

Exactly the system will only work if people play, people play arena for gear, if you take away their gear they will be less likely to play.


to live and die by the loot

people are going to play. just because you think one way, doesn’t mean someone else doesn’t think another. plenty enough of people will play for the system to work. those who don’t can choose that, but they will definitely miss out. nothing left to say but we will see now.

Arena for enjoyment lol.

Yeah if I was interested in playing a game for fun it wouldn’t be classic arena with no rewards

good thing there wasn’t arena in classic, and in tbc arena, there are rewards.

I really truly honestly don’t think it’s a hot take to say most people play for the shot at gear, and that most people are casuals. Just like you said, this is why retail died. The most popular seasons have always been the most casual friendly.


ok but i think youre underestimating how many people will play. once you get over a certain threshold of people, it doesn’t matter who stops or doesnt play, enough will be playing for it not to matter.

I think you are overestimating it and by a lot. If you kill off the casual playerbase with a change that gets rid of any incentive for them to play it then you could be in massive trouble. All for what exactly? So a noob doesn’t get a single piece of loot from the precious arena?