I Would Play Arena With Zero Rewards

Yeah I would q without any rewards either. But that’s not the point of what keeps a system alive. I would play wow without any raiding as well, but I can understand that if you release tbc without raids then it would probably die.

Your reason for playing does not have to align with others reasons to play in order to think a change is ok or not. If only people who were REALLY serious about pvp qd bgs, bgs would be dead as well. That’s how an MMO works. The casuals make up the game, and the hardcore players get to have system that are alive because of them.

There’s your answer.


Disingenuous. You know this will gut participation in Arena.

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Ok first,
That’s a known fact that player subs have dropped since wrath. they stopped putting numbers out in mist because of this.

i said SL sucked now. Reading comprehension hard for you?

Cool, ease of access for everyone who has played for 15 years. Just like I said.

LMAO. WOW was not a casual game. It took too long to get to 60, raiding 3-4 hours a night, nights on end, GM bg grinds? What part is casual??!!!

Please link the data and interpretations. I would love to see your link. Simply google wow sub numbers by expansions. Write them on the board. Put them in order from highest to lowest and see what order they’re in.

If you aren’t playing seriously why does it matter? It’s not made for you.
If you only play with friends, and don’t play with friends in pvp because they aren’t good, thats just an excuse imo.

If you don’t understand the math, maybe you’re the one who isn’t “intelligent.” However I will skip the personal attacks, and take this win because once you result to attack someone personally you have no more interest in a debate.

If it guts anyone, it’ll gut those who simply arena to lose 10 games weekly. We don’t need those q-ers in our brackets

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I hope it’s a slugger, would mean those shoulders are that much sweeter.

Rewards are usually earned. Not from losing 10 games weekly

Oh shut up lol, what a terrible argument and post.


Sounds like a terrible pvpers words imo.

I’m not hating that you’re bad at pvp. I’m just against people who are bad having the same gear/rewards that someone who isn’t has.

I got gladiator in TBC, try again

Yeah so did every other person on the forums! Link it.

https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/tichondrius/bearyalln/achievements/feats-of-strength/mounts It was before achievement, so in feats of strength, anything else?

Your profile seems to be hidden, wonder why.


You do actually. It’s a food chain, and if you kill the bottom, it absolutely impacts the top.


OHhhhhh before chieves, so you bought it!

I’m 2.2 arena
2.4 rbgs.
free to look me up i use the same name for retail and classic.

if you really do have gladiator, congrats. Im sure it was a feat.
Having that achievement doesn’t make your argument correct however.

Reasonable take. The first one.


Lol, get lost man. You’re a joke


You have your opinion. I have debated without personal attacks tho, you seem to not be able to manage that, but that’s presumable with the basis of argument you use.

Arena wasn’t created as a way to give out gear. It was created as a comparison point to find the best players in that category.

It’s the same argument as saying if I do enough Mythic 0 dungeons over time i should have the same gear as someone doing Mythic 20’s. Just does not make any sense.

Blizz has implemented it tho so you best get used to it!

Without personal attacks? you are the person that tried to call me out for being terrible at pvp.

You asked me to link it I did.

Everyone knows this change just hurts participation regardless if you are good or bad at arena, you are a Troll with a hidden profile, so enjoy your life. Bye.


Correct. I’m “somewhat” in favor of the rating requirements (I think they’re a tad too high, but the idea is sound) but I, too, will readily admit it will negatively impact participation. But if anything it merely exposes that arena just seems to be very unpopular at large and the only reason most people would ever even consider stepping foot inside is for gear progression. If 99.9% of people are only there for the gear they might as well just remove arena because it’s obviously wildly unpopular. This makes me sad to see.

Like I said, I’ll be banging arenas regardless of reward.


So you enjoyed playing a twink and dunking on people with the best gear lol. Just delete this thread.

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It was all twinks. No casual players queued 70 arenas in Wrath and Cata. It was twinks versus twinks. I was an officer in the largest 70 twink guild in North America, Twisted Nethers.

Also, this thread isn’t about twinking. I used it as an example of people enjoying arena without the motivation of tangible reward. There were a lot of words involved in both posts, though, so I understand how you got confused along the way.