I would honestly play more if WQ didn't suck so bad

Yet play the game regardless

If they truly dislike SL they’d be long gone or moved to classic

I’ve pretty much stopped doing them.


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Sorry, that isn’t true.

Sorry it is common sense and true

Why do you play a game that you dislike

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Because my wife still plays. See you are wrong yet again.

The same lots that didn’t like BFA or Legion.

Inb4: “LEGION BEST EXPAC!!!1111111111111111111111eleventyone”
It started very slow and grindy, maybe even worse than SL.

Now BFA is the best huh?

Pretty sure a wife playing with you isn’t an excuse to keep playing SL if you hate it that much

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Sorry man you failed to think for me. Some people have different goals than you do…who knew?

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There’s one I can think of in Bastion where you kill guys to get mirror pieces, put those together, then click on the platforms, then go talk to the Kyrian, they fly you up, you then collect a bunch of scrolls.

The bell one isn’t five steps but takes as long and is nested.

There’s also the fill up a meter killing guys, then get on the construct, shoot at enemies, then go kill a boss that’s all nested. Not as many steps but can take a while on a fresh alt.

Those are just ones I can think of immediately.

Its not a gamble after the 1st time thru. There arent that many to quickly know which are which.

Honestly, as I’ve gotten more familiar with the WQs, I don’t have as much of a problem with them. I also know which ones to avoid and which ones can be annoying when too many people are doing them at once. But they’re definitely going to get a lot more tolerable once we can fly.

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I do so many more pet battle WQs than I used to. Either they’re faster or more entertaining.

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Not worse but definitely grindy. The reason it isn’t remembered is a lot of that stuff was fixed a lot sooner. And content patches were about 3 months apart on average. This one is sticking with people more due to this expac being impacted by Covid.

Nuance is key. Not everything is black and white. Some like aspects of the expac, but don’t hate all of it. Some just don’t like Shadowlands so avoid it.

It’s a way bigger game than Shadowlands and gray exists. Plus, sunk cost.

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I like the concept of callings, but when the ones come up where you HAVE to do world quests only, I tend to ignore them unless the nice world quests are up.

Nice ones being flappy bird, falling with style, my covenant easy thing where I touch a bell 3 times, etc.

But the number of quests that have multiple parts or anything added to what typically would be fun, such as ‘kill these things’ just kills the fun for me.

Like an example would be the one in bastion where you have to put an aoe on the ground and only get credit for things that are killed in or by the aoe. But then it has a long cooldown. WHY???!!! Either give the ability a short cooldown or make it a buff on YOU that allows you to kill things wherever you want for credit towards the objective. Stuff like that kills my desire to play.

Not to mention the rewards are crap. Anima power is disgusting. If it was tiny increments to something that actually makes me stronger (like azerite towards a new node on my neck) then that’s one thing. But it’s just a slog towards STUPIDLY over priced cosmetic or mostly pointless base upgrades.

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One thing i’ve found that helps when your friends and family are doing things you don’t wanna do like playing a game, going to the movies, ect is to say: sorry I don’t wanna do that right now.

I am that crazy person who does WQs way more than your average players all the way back from Legion - BfA and SL. I’ve farmed azerite from WQs so much that I had my Artifact weapon and HoA levels higher than anyone else in the guild.

Like the other poster said in the quote I posted earlier, you can skip the tedious ones as there are enough easy quick ones you can do for the callings.

Not always, like for example It’s Race Day in the Ramparts! gave me lots of anima the other day. We’ll Make an Aspirant Out of You as well.

And the Fight School ones in Bastion too.
Another example : It’s Raining Sparkles! in Ardenweald.

The amount of anima rewards are rng.

Oh, I like playing with my wife, but that doesn’t mean I like SL.

Yeah…That’s why i quit Shadowlands, all the quests are super boring. (and other reasons)