I would have wanted "Restore Plaguelands" Campaign than this Torghast chore

Not necessarily, as I’ve mentioned, this is done from level 1-60, which means you’d be in this campaign from the very start. Even if you do a quest to kill Blackrock Orcs, that already itself will be applying to restoration effort points, and the items you gain such as Silverleaf or Copper Ore, you can hand in to receive the effort to earn money and reps.

This is to boost the effort to reduce people to rely on selling WoW Tokens, and also reduce people to rely on gold farmers, and also for those who feel like they have nothing to do.

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I admire the creativity, I just don’t think it’s fair to frame it as “because everybody hates what Blizzard did instead”.

Because I guarantee you that if Blizzard DID do this, General Discussion would decide they hated it, too.

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Yeah. It’s kind of cringe NGL. People seem to hate the idea of admitting they actually enjoy WoW. Many forum posters here have to have their arm twisted to admit they actually do like playing the game. And then they do, they always issue some kind of caveat to give themselves “an escape route” to allow themselves to deny that they said they enjoyed the game.

It’s actually okay to just like playing WoW.

Yup. Blizzard could bring back Grizzly Hills and people would say it was a lazy cash grab intended to boost time-played metrics by giving them content they could play. People literally frame fun as bad because people who have more fun play the game more. Literally seen this, it’s nuts.


I disagree. Certain classes are hard to play in there at high enough levels to make it worthwhile for soul cinders or ash. This mage couldn’t even save Baine at the beginning.

now that you mentioned it, blizzard isn’t going to do it. blizzard hates when the fanbase tells them what to do or gives them ideas, unfortuantely.

I get what you mean.

Honestly, I’ve actually enjoyed the Cataclysm’s Western Plaguelands campaign because you are on your path of restoring Andorhal then get stopped by Sylvanas’s undead and valkyr armies.

I think it’s possible to do restoring instance base, and even for Gilneas restoration would be phenomenal since there aren’t Forsakens to bang the doors and try to poison everyone again.


At this point, I want something that works. And if Blizzard doesn’t want to listen to this suggestion, then it is what it is. But I think this might actually put lot of players into interest in playing again - without boosting level. Because it’s more rewarding to the new character players as well as veteran players who are already max level too.

Honestly, I hate roguelikes. I’ve given them an earnest try, I’ve played the popular ones, but… nope. Not for me. While I like Blizzard’s penchant for experimentation, Torghast was never going to be some sort of best feature evar for me.

That said, a plaguelands campaign, or hell, anything to put some focus back on Azeroth would have been much more appreciated and help keep this expansion from feeling so disconnected. Even with the “famous dead people” SL feels completely detached from the rest of the game, and bringing it back to Azeroth would do a lot to combat that.

And it isn’t like there’s no room for that - I mean, the Crown of Domination has been destroyed, so… like, doesn’t that mean amok-Scourge, Zombie Apocalypse for everyone? Like, yeah, cute faerie plays and vampire parties, but shouldn’t we be focused on that maybe…?

… Honestly, Blizzard’s gotten so apocalypse happy they’ve been forgetting about them half-way through. Oh, you guys want massive international open warfare? … Uh, what about the colossal cosmic demon-god sword impaling the planet and causing it to bleed out? Nevermind you say? … Uh… 'kay.


So much of this. Azeroth’s too busy building up Stormwind City and Orgrimmar but they don’t pay attention to the rest of the world at the moment. This campaign would have made it so much fun that we are doing what it takes to restore Azeroth.

At this point both factions have agreed that doing another war will do no good to them, and they signed the treaty as well. Why not just at least try to fix the environment before starting another war or start another apocalypse, is my question.

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Imagine an expansion where, yeah, there’s a bad guy but not a cosmic level one and in each patch you bring back a city to glory.

Can start with the two cities destroyed in BFA, Teldrassil and Lordaeron. Maybe not staying there, but creating something else to relocate the new race.

Next patch, Gilneas and Silvermoon, etc.

Then in the end, a fully Void City for the Void Elves and opening up Suramar as a functional city for the Horde.

It’d require a lot of effort, however. And Blizz is not so keen on these things as it’s not related to raids or dungeons.

However, campaigns to restore cities are daily quests I’d gladly grind and contirbute towards.


So, if you don’t know, why would you say

You’re dismissing a valid dislike of a bad system by claiming it’s just how GD is, even though you have no idea why people dislike the system?

“I guess that’s what you can expect from people in GD”.

Fun stuff.

No, I’m dismissing the about-face on Torghast that people did, largely fueled by their worship of certain youtubers. People were super-psyched for Torghast, and then… they hated it. And they say “oh it’s because it changed” but they can’t even say what the changes were. Because they really have no idea, they’re just going with whatever the latest hate-train that youtube told them to recite is.


Isn’t it annoying when people who really have no idea offer opinions

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Rhokthok prefers to play more in Azeroth than Shadowlands. Got extremely bored from current content.

Why not add more in Azeroth than just letting us level with no extended rewards? No one’s barely in Azeroth anymore and people are skipping each expansions.

People boost and don’t use LFG anymore. Rhokthok has no one to play with on his alt.

Blizz broke my heart when they broke the Loch Modan dam.

Not even kidding. Whole zone went from HERO to ZERO for me.


Another great campaign to work on.

“Fix the dam” with progression, and after the instance fix - you see the dam repaired again and waters are all drained.

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Does this mean we can also try to fix Thousand Needles since it’s been flooding with waters?

After the latest end of patch cinematic it only makes sense that the undead NPCs at least are done for right?

I would hope so for Scourge. Now is the age of fixing our world. And figure out how to get rid of that ugly sword out of our planet.

I was saddened by the destruction and thought of all the NPCs on the dam when it was destroyed. Spent a lot of time there in my early days of WoW and it’s one of my favorite zones. Rather frustrating no progress is being made to restore Loch Modan.

I’d seriously love for this to happen. Having all three dwarven clans, and heck even the Earthen, would help move the story along so well. I’ve been asking for this for years.


Agreed. There are so many things that are left dead and no repair or improvements are happening from Cataclysm to now. Makes no sense that these places are not being fixed by NPCs/nations that prefer to stay in their own domain. It’s not like they are intentionally emptying Ironforge and Aerie Peak to go into battle

Finally, needs more Dwarven reformation stories than just Dark Iron joining Alliance.

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