I won't pay to carry my character on from classic

Meh. I won’t say it’s not them trying to grub up money, but at the same time nobody is being forced to maintain characters on both MMOs. It’s a choice, and a rather odd one, but Blizzard isn’t exactly getting a hot $30-40 from each player for TBC, either.

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To do this in retail it’s $85.

Nobody has pointed out a single flaw in my argument. my argument is one of the most basic and obviously true arguments ever stated in the history of the world yet the flat earth crew including you is out to make weak arguments and say I owned you.

Which you haven’t.

ok. we don’t care

That’s true, but we do know Blizzard has had this process automated for a long time at this point. Again, I don’t mind that they are charging for it, because you’re basically paying for the room your character would be taking up on the second server, I just think they’re overcharging for this particular service.

Classic Vanilla is on a separate server. The Burning Crusade Classic would be using a new server… clean slate. Either you move your Classic Toon to this new server or create a new one for free or create a new one and boost it 60 (with deluxe). The moving of your old toon to this new server will cost something and it’s not free.

That’s how I understand it. Correct me if I am wrong.

100 percent correct.

that’s what i said on reddit when this came out. how is this surprising to anyone? they’ve been charging 25$ per character transfer and 30$ to faction change for years and they get away with it

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Dude, you don’t even have to buy the TBC expansion. It comes with your sub, no extra cash.

So you can progress for free, or choose to stay in Classic for free. If you want both, you have to spend a little money. You know, the stuff that blizzard uses to keep the servers up.

It’s a Busniess, they need to make money to continue to provide us these services. Are you really surprised they put a price tag on giving you the choice to play both? You didn’t even have to shell out for The expansion.


ROFL what? Man you have to be the worst person at insulting that I’ve seen in a while.

Server transfer: $25
Boosting a new character: $60
What you’re getting for TBC: server transfer, a character 10 levels below max (basically a boost) and your original toon on home server: $35

Explain how this is a gouge and try not to use dumb PTR examples.

Then don’t?

i’m so sorry… i hope you’re healing well

everyone has completely torn it to pieces, stomped all over it, and it’s now a pile of mush… but you’re in complete denial for some reason.

if you want the clone on both servers, you can pay the fee to unlock it.
if it’s too expensive, save up, or use in game gold… or just level another character.
the price has been set, not everyone will like it, but you don’t NEED to have both clones active.


No in retail to xfer to a server WITHOUT copying is whatever price it is (not 85 dollars).

If you are talking about boosts then with a boost you get a privilage of skipping the levelling process, access to a whole new character worth of professions and instance locks.

The classic situation is you get the privilage of playing your toon on classic server and move on to tbc. The work is done you arent skipping you aren’t getting extra professiosn or profession benefits because they will be on different servers.


As has been said before… when one has willing (arguably unwilling) customers, one can charge whatever price is desired.

Unfortunately, many people convince themselves they need much more than is actually necessary. I don’t agree that the service is overcharging, but that’s because I think this service (like many of the recent additions) should not exist. It is a convenience, and I thought Classic/TBC were all about inconvenience. (Or maybe that’s just my distaste for those particular timeframes in WoW shining through, but take that as an aside for the sake of discussion.)

This isn’t exactly what the Classic/BC cloning service is, though. It’s porting an active usable character between two different coexisting versions of the game. Tovi isn’t misleading you, I think you’re just misunderstanding Tovi.

Really? because I wasn’t aware that you could literally copy your character onto another server. Oh wait, you can’t. Character transfers are $25 but that doesn’t leave a copy of your character on the original server. Boosts are a different thing entirely.

Anyway, your false narrative aside, I still think that $35 is too much for this particular service.

I mean sure, but that doesn’t mean I can’t feel like they are overcharging people.


provide me more examples of price gouging daddy.

no you have made some really wrong posts thats all.

because that’s another word GD has redefined to be something completely different from how normal people use it.

normal people use “gouging” to describe a seller jacking prices up during a shortage or emergency. in GD it just means “pricing something even slightly higher than I want to pay”


Oh believe me, I don’t disagree, but then there’s also the consideration that nobody’s paying a box price to play TBC, just the sub. Blizzard’s going to try to recoup that price somehow, and unlike back in that actual timeframe Blizzard is willing to (currently, anyways) maintain Classic servers separately from TBC servers.

I don’t disagree that paying $35 to keep a character on what will soon be dying servers is pointless, but if people are willing to pay it that’s their choice. It’s the player’s choice to buy things, and it’s simply an opportunity for Blizzard to sell them a product. Nobody needs this cloning service to play TBC. :woman_shrugging: