So when I heard character copies from classic were going to happen I thought ok cool this is what I wanted I want to play my rank 13 geared priest in BG s and play TBC this is great however…
I refuse to be price grouged on a copy even if it is not expensive for me. We know with PTR’s characters can be copied with no hassle by blizzard so why would I ever be ok with paying that amount of money even though its not that hard for me and I considered if I should pay for my friends copy too.
The fact is I just refuse I am not impressed by this move and won’t feed blizzard’s wallet for the privilage of playing my character that I have already had for the last few years. I was considering boosting a 58 on my alt account and transfering it to my main one for an extra alt but now I have such a dirty feeling I won’t be doing that either.
Wait I thought they were rolling BC like an expansion so you could progress from live is it, its own seperate thing because that’s stupid
no thats not how it works. You go to BC free but u can carry on your classic character on a fresh vanilla server for a $35 dollar fee. Its probably that high because they want you to part with that stimulus money.
Wrong forum. There’s a TBC Classic forum for this.
If I’m paying I want to copy my retail Monk to TBC just because it would be hilarious.
i want that too. i used to post on the classic forums on my monk. i’d make so many valid points and they were so triggered by him being a post-wrath class that they’d just respond “level 60 retail monk.” ![:rofl: :rofl:](
All I have to say on this is, as pricey as name change, character transfer, and race change options have been for as long as they have been…why tf are people surprised at the cost of copies? I only think people should be happy they aren’t $60. No I am not defending the price, by any means or at all, I’m just stating a statement. I, personally, thought $35 was reasonably priced considering its $60 to boost a character in retail.
I assume copying brings some gold. If they just let people move characters for free it could eventually goof up the economy and it would be different than the original BC.
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the fact you can do it at all is overlooked. there was no vanilla forever when actual tbc was released. but they get the expansion for free. get to keep a copy of the same toon in two totally different games. but it’s offensive to them they have to pay for it. it’s a price that you won’t just yolo copy every single character you’ve ever made and have to think if it’s worth it/you’ll play classic enough to justify the cost. they wouldn’t know which servers or when to consolidate if everyone had 983475934875345 copies they may or may not ever log into to play. working as intended.
I don’t get why you all carry this over here. I’m guessing you will find way more people who share your outrage over on the forum for BC classic.
Wrong paid for the game when it came out actually.
Absolutely is considering they prove they can copy PTR and beta testing characters for free.
i got diablo 3 for free when i pre purchased MoP. didn’t get it for free when i bought it for the switch. same game, different version/release. you paid for tbc. you did NOT pay for tbc classic.
Paid for it with my sub. Wrong again
You get the choice of staying or going from Classic to TBC, for free, ONE time.
If you stay Classic, you gotta pay to clone into TBC. The $35 is you having both in Class and TBC.
Price still stupid af, I don’t care how you slice it.
there’s no point in trying to talk to you. you seem to be one of those players that think that blizz shouldn’t charge for anything at all because you pay a sub. that’s not what a for profit company does. blizz is not our bff giving us cool stuff because we’re bff. they’re a business. not a charity. i already explained why it’s so much but you responded to part of my comment and not the entire thing. the reason you did that is because it explains WHY it would be terrible for classic forever players. obliterates your apparent entitlement argument, actually.
Exactly everything you saying is delusional and wrong just stop.
the classic tbc forums exists. go post there. it’s an echo chamber of people who will like every post you make about this.
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This is general wow forums if i want to make a thread about price gouging ill make it here.
this forum is for retail, not classic. classic vanilla and classic tbc both have their own forums.
Just as well im talking about product prices mate. You dig.
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