I won savage gladiator chain as a tank

My question is, how many manual crowd pummelers do you use as ret?

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For the record i know ret paladin is garbo in pve, im doing it anyways!

Thanks for your opinion guys. I usually make my own groups. Will make it extra extra clear i am rolling for dps loot.


End game pally should either heal or PVP. Anything else is throwing gear away and wasting DPs slots


not sure how things run on alliance but this is how it has gone for all my runs for the most part. people need for thier roles spec and ask to need off spec


If the DPS war roll need on tank gear it would be ok for you? Roll only for your esp or ask before roll.


PVP is what i am all about sugar


Yea arena runs are so easy, this idiot and his guild can do runs for every piece in the set

Although, I was pissed when a retadin outrolled me for MY HoJ (slightly harder to get IMO) although he didn’t get mad that I rolled need although I was tank role in the dungeon. LMAO

That was all i needed to hear. You will always be pissing people off.


The difference is, that chest is literally the best threat chest a prot warrior can get for tanking purposes until AQ40.

Same is not true for Paladins. For Paladins, you can make great use of:

Giving you the following stats:

365 Armor
+8 Strength (16 AP)
+20 Agility (1% Crit)
+8 Intellect
+13 Stamina (130 HP)
1% Crit

Meanwhile SGC gives you:


369 Armor
+13 Strength (26 AP)
+14 Agility (.7 Crit)
+13 Stamina (130 HP)
2% Crit

Warriors don’t get any benefit from that int budget at all, while you and I both know having more mana even as Ret is incredibly helpful. So basically you screwed over the Warrior in favor of a whopping 10 AP, and .7 Crit when you had another incredibly strong option that is far easier to get than SGC.

This doesn’t bother me, I already have my SGC. But I can certainly understand why the others in this situation think you’re kind of a prick.


Paladins are healers in raids not Ret paladins so obviously you’re going to piss someone off rolling an item that almost never drops for a useless class like Ret paladin. It’s cool though man just because 30 people ignore you doesn’t mean the end

Depends on the scenario. If you did not tell the group that you were going to roll on dps gear, then you are in the wrong.

Aw shucks!

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In every group I go to I fully expect the tanks to roll on all dps plate/mail/leather. That’s just the way it is unfortunately.


there is no situation that justifies a meme spec taking that ahead of a warrior


Yep. Otherwise why would they tank? Most people arent tanking to get tank gear. They take the tank gear because nobody wants it or can use it. They are there for the dps gear for soloing/pvp/raiding when there only needs to be a couple tanks and all the other wars dps.

Annoys me to lose gear to priests and paladins and druids, but at the end of the day, they are just as entitled to that piece as I am.


people delighting in being a douche like you are a reflection of the godless times we live in


This is why you screen people and vet them based off your needs aswell as theres.

Takes a whole 10 seconds to communicate this when picking people up for a group.

How is playing what he wants living a godless life? Lighten up, man.


They’ll learn.


Classic Release “Play what you want its all good raids are easy!”

Classic 2 months in “How dare you play ret”