What fiction do you read?
while i agree with your opinion, i think WoW, being a PG13 rated game, would not be appropriate to have a dark and terrifying theme to it.
what do you think? am i right in saying that?
Remember when Garrosh called Sylvanas a beotch?
Now I can’t even type it on the forums.
I mean… this is Warcraft ever since Warcraft 3.
People haven’t got so bored yet as to stop playing. Bland = lowest common denominator. Badly written walking tropes appeal to a broad audience.
I think or believe now after reading a lot of this thread is you don’t want this MMO, you want a Warhammer 40K MMO where people can act out against everyone else and be happy about it
WoW has never been like that, nor should it be
WoW is not PG-13 to spite the rating. A PG-13 movie would give the current WoW devs nightmares.
Can I help with those nightmares? MUAH HAHAHAHAHH ::pents fingers::
I kinda feel like they are afraid of the players already. So anything more you wanna add is cool.
lol xD
Play Horde if you want more Grimm-dark themes, Alliance is a Sesame Street faction.
Agree. I need more blood, sex, and violence. I believe and hope that Xal can accomplish this, but I need more chaos. Way too much order at the moment.
Warhammer is there for you - its basically Warcraft but Grim-Dark.
Also - there are some pretty sinister/grim-dark elements in the zone you mentioned but you have to read quest text to pick up on them - not wanting to spoil the story but matricide is decently dark in itself but the queen’s story wasn’t over there… what happened next is VERY grim-dark.
Xal is the harbringer of Disney-WoW
Nah, they have dark themes. In fact, I like the dark themes on alliance more.