I wish there was a dev that understood warlock

Affliction PvP perspective: For those who’ve played since MoP, does anybody else agree that Malefic Grasp worked better than today’s Malefic Rapture?

Malefic Grasp
While channeling Drain Soul, your damage over time effects deal 20% increased damage to the target.

I think there were also talent modifiers that buffed it further. IMO, grasp made it much easier to flare up DoTs, while allowing good single-target priority swapping. It also forced people to use interrupts and CCs more strategically to counterplay our damage, instead of just dumping all microCCs on us randomly just to stop us from casting raptures.

Rapture feels too inconsistent in modern WoW. A dual-school cast-time that requires DoTs up PLUS a Soul Shard (which is randomly generated by Agony) PLUS Line of Sight, is just too much, and weaving them in while getting trained aggressively by melee feels frustrating. It’s even worse because Jinx is mandatory, so to do ANY damage at all requires two shard-consuming abilities. I don’t like managing both of those mechanics together while every other class can just drop loads of instant damage and CC.

If they insist on keeping Malefic Rapture as is, then it should be passive as others have mentioned. Example: Using Nightfall procs for instant shadowbolt could cause rapture to activate on all DoTTed targets (Nightfall feels a bit too weak currently)


I remember Grasp being its own ability, seperate from Drain Soul. Odd…

But yes, Malefic Grasp was more interesting than Rapture. I mean, Rapture is about as boring as it gets. But it is effective. Practically an 100y AoE nuke. A lot of other classes would kill for something like it.

That said, Grasp solves a lot, if not all of issues DoT specs have been struggling with for a long time. That being, how do you keep DoT damage relevant while not breaking them on council fights/AoE. If DoT’s deal a lot of damage they cannot be easily spread.

If we had Grasp or some other DoT hastening effect, we could justify removing the cooldown of Vile Taint. Perhaps even letting Seed spread both Corruption and Agony.


Yes, you’re right! It was its own separate spell now that I recall.