I think it’s a really multi-faceted issue that has a couple of things that we’re still unsure of overall.
I’ll try and keep this short, although I could write a lot about this stuff.
I’m not entirely sure where you’re getting this from unless it’s legacy from previous expansions. Since legion, we’ve pivoted away from dot fantasy for the class to all three specs having unique niches and gameplay fantasy. Only affliction retains the dot fantasy at all (they’ve pivoted away from class fantasy to spec fantasy long ago when it comes to damage profiles).
Just to try and flesh out my response a bit more, here’s how the game defines lock at the character creation menu at the moment: Warlock’s cast Fire and Shadow magic to damage, drain, or curse their enemy. They summon demons as servants.
The one universal thing that ties the class together is demon summoning (both standard pet + cd pets) and a slow, tanky, casting playstyle. You’d have to go back nearly 10 years for us to even have corruption as part of the demo toolkit (warlords)
On the other hand, I definitely do agree that there needs to be more identity carved out in this direction though, and that there aren’t enough “cool” factors in the demo tree that interact with our kit outside of visual flare.
This is an extremely tough question to answer though. The only way you can make corruption in anyway useful to demonology is these three ways:
- Completely rework the spec to add corruption as a main dps rotational button that is useful in aoe and single target and doesn’t detract from other rotational buttons, while not becoming complicated in aoe (doesn’t seem particularly likely).
- Find a way to make corruption unusable in aoe to lower our ramp up time. This could be through specific talent options, but would further dilute our pet fantasy by taking away talent points in that area
- Make corruption auto apply using rotational buttons already like what you mentioned here:
The problem with this last point is: why? Why try and insert a new button, ruin the niche that doom has created, and have another dot you’ll have to shoehorn into talents. If it’s based on class fantasy, they could make doom have more interaction. If it’s based on gameplay, they’ve tried this type of dot gameplay for the better part of a decade through doom as a talent, and it was incredibly unpopular to nearly dead talent status (hence the rework).
Out of each of those ways to add corruption to our rotation, the most likely is making corruption auto apply through something like umbral blaze like you mention, but at that point just go back to hand of doom like it was in legion (which also spawns an imp when doom expires).
Lock already has extremely long dps setups and adding an extra gcd would just compound our issues for demo – just imagine having to ramp for tyrant and then you have to reapply corruption mid tyrant ramp just because you don’t have umbral blaze and it doesn’t apply automatically. It sounds like a nightmare to me. I’d rather they find ways to make us spawn more demons, or unique demons (looking at the HFC tier set for example) to increase our flavour that way for demonology.