News flash: you don’t need a meta perfect comp for a +3 key or a normal raid
You can have things like ret pallies, survival hunters, and feral druids and do fine
News flash: you don’t need a meta perfect comp for a +3 key or a normal raid
You can have things like ret pallies, survival hunters, and feral druids and do fine
While true people want to play as optimally as possible and if you want to go against the meta you are free to make your own groups
It’s not about meta but minimizing the chances of ruining your key.
Your main:
has the meta legendary
has the recommended cookie-cutter build
You’re not telling me accidentally picked meta stuff. You googled it, like the rest of us.
My point is… meta is fun. Meta is safe. Who doesn’t want to be meta?
We all want to perform well.
So, although you don’t need to go with the meta, there really is no reason not to go with the meta.
Ferals are fine.
But Rogues are finer.
And it’s not like DPS are in short supply.
Anyone who uses anything other than io score as a determinant for invites in anything under 25s is an idiot
I think the overarching problem is that we have terrible ways to evaluate skill so people often rely on meta, Ilvl, and raider io. The problem is that this system leads to picking a lot of bad players and not choosing a lot of good players.
These criteria fail because even bad players can get 20 and beyond through brute force. You join enough groups and you will get lucky enough that you get carried which will boost your stats so that it checks every available criteria we have…except you are still bad. I’m sure this matters less as you get to closer to the upper 20s where it gets increasingly more difficult to be carried but I’m sick of seeing so many trash players that have high ilvl and good raider io stats.
Meta is cancer. It ruins everything that it touches because it’s NEVER just the top percentile. You get people who will try to parrot “meta” for everything and either they don’t understand that it’s bad for the game, or are too selfish to care.
This meta slavery is a huge reason why communities have gone in the garbage can over the years.
If you were doing a pick up game of basketball and your choice was between Lebron and some random dude off the street, we both know who you would pick
This isn’t like that though. This is like picking a guy who says he can mimic Lebron perfectly and a guy who can play just as well for your group in your fun little game but has his own style.
My point is you are clearly going to go with the best option for success, even if that means picking a “meta” class.
I get your point, I Just feel it’s detrimental to the game as a whole, and people are too selfish to understand/care.
You should probably think about whether or not your group has lust too but basically. I do try to avoid people with just enough IO for KSM though, seems like a lot of those are run buyers in my experience.
I mean, there’s META where a class is like 1-2% better, but the difference is really only noticed at super high levels.
And then there’s crap where certain classes are 15-20% ahead of another, and has better cooldowns, utility, etc.
The second point occurs where too much in WoW, when they leave certain specs to rot for months without any communication or adjustment.
Well sure, but in most instances that 15-20% doesn’t matter anyways.
Like in low keys or normal raids.
Literally any combination of class, spec, covenant, etc that is playing decently can clear that content with ease.
I remember when blizz would fairly regularly make small tuning changes, a 2% buff here a 1% nerf there. I think it is crazy that in SL we have basically had to wait 3 months for our potentially favorite spec to stop being complete garbage.
Pretty sure Survival Hunter is going to be S tier and played a lot in the 9.2 Meta. Might want to find a better example.
Feral Druid and Ret Pally work for you?
if that were true you wouldn’t have seen people demanding a venthyr hpal for a +8 halls (actual example) – there’s no way that group was pulling around ashen, so kyrian would have been a better choice
Exactly, a lot of these groups don’t even know why these things are meta. They just know that they are meta and don’t utilize them anyways.
Not really. Feral is awful, even a feral druid would tell you that. My alt is a Ret pally and I think they are underrated in M+, so I can agree there.
The real issue is, why would I take a Ret pally over a lust class or a spec that is going to out perform it? The meta exists for that reason.