I mean yeah I still build the comp I want, I just won’t take players that have less io than the key requires. Like I won’t take a super low mage just for lust
But not awful enough that they can’t clear a +15 or clear heroic raids, that’s the point.
The meta only really matters at the high end of the spectrum, where most players are not playing at.
You’re correct, but some comps are just going to get the job done better no matter the key level.
Survival is good so people don’t follow the meta? What?
I don’t really blame people. Meta is meta for a reason; it is the most effective way to play the game. People like being optimal. I play an off-meta spec and I have for all of Shadowlands. I can’t complain when people are hesitant to invite me, I usually make my own groups when possible.
Sure, but that doesn’t matter at the low end.
It’s going to get cleared regardless. Literally any combination of classes (within reason) will get it done
What? /10 chars
If you are asking for people to join your key, and you want a melee class, and a hunter, Druid, and warrior all apply, and they have similar io, gear, and fun names, you are going to take the warrior.
You don’t have to ask the warrior what spec he’s playing. You go with the sure thing melee.
It’s not always about meta. You pick what you think would help your team the most.
Another example: healer with reincarnation, lust, and kicks is better than healer who has to pre plan and needs a higher skill cap to be great. So I’m almost always going to take a shaman over a priest.
So many reasons for why certain classes are taken over others.
As always, run your own keys and find friends. Otherwise, mplus maybe just isn’t the game type for you if you can’t handle people ignoring you.
Technically, also effects low keys if you have let’s say…non-optimal players. Not every group will succeed, even playing meta classes after all. But yeah, for the most part with geared decent people anything can do a +15.
I still remember having a key fall apart in Legion because I, the boomkin, was invited and the tank and leader started arguing because the tank insisted we NEED A DEMONHUNTER FOR AOE.
It was a +6.
i’d rather have an inexperienced kyrian hpal than an inexperienced venthyr hpal in a pug
I mean, this is 100% not the reason to take a shaman… shaman is good because of the absurd damage it pumps.
Saying you take shaman over priest for those reasons is dumb af unless you reallllly need a lust
Bro, you need a Demon Hunter for everything! That’s what a Demon Hunters would tell you!
Unfortunately a lot of people don’t seem to really try to ascertain ability to play the spec. Rogue is better than feral in pretty much every way for m+, but a good feral is still probably going to be better than a just ok or bad rogue.
Yeah, it is what it is though. I definitely fall into being a meta-inviter too when I make my groups, I think it is just human nature to want to take the path of least resistance.
It’s another reason. And yes that is currently the ‘meta’ reason. But I was just giving examples of things that can be reasons depending on your group.
What if your friends are all ranged dps, and you need to snag a healer. Shaman is a great choice because of their interrupt being the best in the game.
My point is it’s not always about the meta for why people make choices on their groups.
People in wow need to chill on the whole meta thing. Everything is wow is really well balanced (except for feral).
Anytime I see things like wow or frost mage I expect them too do bad nowadays soo many meta chasers go to them and absolutely suck at it. All of them are really getting annoying.
if you’re trying to pug 26s as a mistweaver or feral or whatever, i think you have a right to complain about balance. but that’s like, 10 people in the world, and none of them post here.
people saying they can’t time 15s because rdruid needs huge dps buffs or whatever are completely off their collective rocker.
yep. s1 it was boomkins. i stopped inviting them because i got sick of seeing 215ish ilvl boomkins struggling to hit 2k overall. s2 it’s frost mage and ww. s3 i expect we’ll see a lot of absolutely terrible sv hunters.
If you want people not to be shackled to meta then make content that is out of the restraints of random neckbeards playing bouncer.
aka non team based ranked pvp modes.
It’s an entirely different game when my build isn’t risking my friends or strangers time with it’s performance. Let me gamble with my own time by going blatantly bad builds thanks.
only way this stops is if blizzard brings all the specs in line with each other.
this would look like:
all specs get some form of add taunt ability or druids get their trees removed.
all specs get some form of aoe root or hunters get their root removed.
every healer gets an interrupt and battle rez.
basically, each spec has the same thing going for them as far as utility goes but with slight differences. i think if all healers were the exact same, barkskin on the druid would be fine. its not that big of a deal. (not saying i want all healers to be the exact same.)
the outlier specs with regards to dps on aoe and single target are brought more in line with all the other specs.
hard cap/soft cap all specs to x mobs or remove caps altogether. no more different caps for different specs.
as long as there is an actual meta, players will always play the meta.
orrrrrrr, mythic plus becomes strictly random grouping and hard penalties for leaving/griefing.
When it comes to solo play MT, Torghast, etc. I do whatever I want. Part of the excitement for me doing these types of content is figuring stuff out on my own rather than watching vids or copying someone else’s stats.
However in group play I will be more receptive to what is more popular. This is because it isn’t usually my key when pugging m+ or I am not the one leading when it comes to raids so I will attempt to spec to whatever is best for the group to ensure success and not waste and to respect people’s time.