I wish healers were not in solo que

I just want a all out brawl where the first person that gets melted down loses and that’s it. If I’m going to lose I’d rather it not take 10 years.

So many times I’ve almost killed someone only for them to gain a full health bar again and its just frustrating all the time. :confused:


Skirmishes are right there and agonizingly low quality.


I don’t think skirmishes are rated though right?

Rated would be equally terrible. Worse, even.


Just make double DPS solo queue already problem solved

I wish healers weren’t in any queue.
Healers have made PvP less fun since lifebloom in TBC.
This is from someone who mained healer in Vanilla and in DF.

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dang bro that makes it impossible to debate, it’s settled now


All these friend takes. Healers are fine. It’s a “you” problem, not a healer problem.

This is a terrible post.


Can we play healers in random/epic bgs or is that bad too?

silently presses button to q up on a holy priest as this was being written…

Do I think there’s a way to create shuffle rated pvp where a healer isn’t required? Yes but it would take some adjustments on blizzards end. They would almost have to do a stock match instead of first one to die. Like each team gets x amount of lives.

Just so that it’s not burst someone down in an opener real quick is who wins

Ngl, I feel a bit of shame for being the same species as people who think that this is a good idea for rated arena.

I don’t think mmo pvp is for you. I can’t think of a single good pvp game with a roster of various characters/classes that doesn’t have healers.

Death match style pvp in wow is only going to work if everyone has the same static abilities. Otherwise the game just devolves into which dps spec can offheal the most, abuse stealth mechanics/resets the most, etc.


This gave me an irl lol :slight_smile:

So many times I’ve pressed healing spells on my team, but due to a combination of MS and dampening their health bars don’t move. It’s so frustrating. :frowning:


I had an hpri lose against rdruid the other day so the hpri blew all his CDs before the gates open last round. I just lie in the corner awaiting imminent doom.

classic RSS experience

So many times I’ve almost killed someone only for them to gain a full health bar again and its just frustrating all the time. :confused:

laughs in blood DK

as a healer i want to argue…
but also i never que solo shuffle because i dont want a bunch of whispers about how it was the healers fault.

I wish this thread was never created.


3DPS v 3DPS is a 2DPS v2DPS after 30s and everyone’s CDs are used.

Rogues with their grinch smile at the thought of something like this

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