I Will Tank if Nobody Abuses Me

I raided in Rift some almost 15 years ago. Started playing with a coworker. We started our own guild. then ended up joining a guild. New guild wanted tank and heal so my wife and I both leveled a new toon. Me a tank and her a healer. We wanted to raid bad with these new guys and we were going to do everything we could. We ran a single guild dungeon and it went so sideways, we didnt make it past the first boss. We got the nerve to queue in LFG outside the guild and got 3 folks from the EU that were awesome. They took the time to explain a couple of the encounters and needless to say I fell in love with tanking that night. We queued non stop for about 10 hours. By the end of that 10 hours we were both raid ready and had completed every dungeon in the current content in their “rapid assault”. But we were able to do that because we were patient with people, we learned the encounters perfectly. We loved teaching new people how to run dungeons, and yes on a few occasions when it did get sketchy we finished the boss off just 2 of us.

This scares the actual hell out of me in wow. The first dungeon i did in wow as a completely new player, basically by the time i had loaded into the fresh dungeon the rest of the group was already approaching the first boss. I’m no slowpoke and im not stopping to pick up trash loot if I am running behind. So i politely dropped party and didnt join another dungeon until DF. This was of course just before MOP released. Fast forward to DF, wife and i tank and heal duoed every single dungeon in DF and did M0 on 3 or 4 of the dungeons. I LFR queued for a couple of normal’s and at least i had experience with them at a snail pace so i knew where to go. but Still everyone was rush rush rush get this over with and get me out of here. As a “new tank” i dont know the encounters, the pulls, or even distance before pulls get overlapped. Guess its just frustrating and the 1 thing actually holding me back from running dungeons and raiding. I am never going to go at the same speed most of these groups seem to want to go at.

thats why if you click the checkmark saying you wont freak out you deserve the ban.

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I Will Tank if Nobody Abuses Me

Try Follower dungeons. I have yet to be kicked from a dungeon by an NPC.

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Sure you can. Just run with people you know.

Why stop there? We can have a bunch of check marks for everyone’s particular preferences and queues can blow up to hours.

The curse of Group Finder is each player has to make minor concessions to everyone else and find a rhythym that works as a team. If you’re throwing the whole team off as a tank, you’re the problem; go as DPS and learn from other tanks the paths and strats, it’s not complicated. Or make your own group of friends / guildies to learn with.

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So why should people who won’t abuse have to do this, while the abusers dominate the ques? Why shouldn’t THEY have to play with people they know, if they want to set the pace? :thinking:

While if generally always recommend someone play with friends if they have a particular style of run in mind, if the community generally prefers one style, then the expectation for random queuing should be that it’s most likely going to be that style. Currently that’s fast runs, so expect to zoom zoom.

Most people don’t say anything at all. Trying to paint everyone who doesn’t want to play your preferred way as an abuser is disingenuous at best.

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It does suck that this kind of posts comes up. I enjoyed my prot warrior a while back but couldn’t handle the abuse and constant chaos that group members were perpetuating while I was trying my best to tank. Made me lose interest in the character and group content all together.

Not everyone has a good guild or an army of friends they can call on either, so most of us are just stuck.

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Did I say the abusers were most people? Nope. I said they dominate the ques, and I didn’t mean numbers-wise. I meant that people like YOU will say they should have the ques. And you did.

I’m saying BOTH playstyles should have the opportunity to que. Not abusing, and abusing.

You’re saying, nope, you get out, ques are mine, I get to say how they’re done.


And thats the problem. You expect a tank to just DPS until they learn the encounter enough to cater to your speed. So let me do what makes you happy.

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A minority of people are dominating the queues? Interesting take. How are they managing it?

Both playstyles do. The queue doesn’t stop you from joining. If someone is being abusive, report them. But going faster than you want isn’t abusive.

Feel free to quote me saying that instead of just making it up, because that’s absolutely not the same thing as recommending that you (or anyone) find a group to play with that shares your preferences rather than being subject to what most of the people out there in the queues want.

Well, that’s your playstyle. A lot of people agree with it. A lot of people don’t.

Play with the ones who do.

Don’t really need to create a forum thread about it, but sure.

Also, if you’re going to make a blanket statement effectively saying “I’m not gonna play the game / specific role if there’s a chance of receiving abuse”, I feel obligated to suggest you get off the internet entirely.

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I Will Tank if Nobody Abuses Me

yeah, thats not likely gonna happen if youre gonna do random groups.
id just do follower dungeons if I were you, unless you want better gear, then just do delves.

These players arent worth the aggrivation.

I’d love to see the chaos caused by a single week where no tanks queue dungeons, raids, or use group finder.

As a healer, when I que with such a tank, I just help them pull what I know I can heal through. Playing an MMO with hundreds of thousands of other players, you should expect a variety of compositions.

My only problem is you admitting you’re not going to improve after 100 runs. I couldn’t enjoy a game that was impossible for me to learn.

It’s called the Social Contract and people are required to agree to its terms before popping into game every now and again.

The failure is its lack of hard, draconian, ballsack-severing enforcement.

do you ask or do you just pull hoping you dont get 2 shot bc the tank was settin his pace?

The goal is to improve before you’re put in those situations. Not that you should expect abuse but you can’t expect all players to waste time.

Imagine your play style and the time you think it should take to get through a dungeon. Now you join a group that killed 1/4 bosses in the time you expected to be on your second dungeon. You would not be happy. Players expecting a dungeon every 15 mins don’t want to take an hour. Players that expect a dungeon in 30 mins don’t want it to take two hours.

I let the tank pull and if it’s going slow I just start adding packs to the pile. They never complain and usually get more confident as the run goes because they trust they aren’t going to die.

And I play Night Elf Druid so I only die if it’s a wipe.