I Will Tank if Nobody Abuses Me

I mean, a quick glance over my post history here shows that I don’t follow that mindset. I will call out people for their terrible behavior just as readily as they’ll act terribly. More people absolutely need to call them out, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t tell people that they need to expect and be ready to encounter terrible people in online spaces as well.


Did you even read the thread? This person is talking about queued content. It has nothing to do with ilvl.

Please, stop malding over your hatred of delves. We get it, you don’t like them. Go make your own thread to whine about it instead of trying to hijack unrelated threads.

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I really don’t see much of this supposed tank / healer abuse. Most people I meet are pretty understanding to a point. Like if you keep wiping the group due to something stupid and refuse to listen to instructions on how to not do that you’ll likely get the boot. The vast majority of the time people are fine with the occasional mistake and will laugh it off even if it causes a wipe.

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I get it, but I like to think of it like that study on how shaming and ostracizing smokers led to a lot less people smoking because of the stigma surrounding it (sorry to any smokers reading this, no hate just using it as an example here).

People weren’t going “I hate being in restaurants with smokers, but it’s just how it is and we have to warn people about it”. People would request non-smoking sections, they would shame smokers, they would stop being friends with them and even made it a requirement for dating people “no smokers” etc.

I’m not saying we have to go that far when it comes to ostracizing and shaming jerks in WoW by any means lol. But over time, it does work. It might not look like at first, but the more people encounter negative responses for their bad behavior, even if they seem really small to you, they do actually change their behavior over time. Shaming and ostracizing people for bad behavior, especially in internet communities, does work.

Absolutely. People should call it out when they see it every time. Still, my point here is that we’re telling people there are smokers inside this restaurant, so that they know that going in and can act accordingly however they see fit.

If anything, my experience is that people are too lax when it comes to kicking people, and they will vote no even if the person is actively being abusive and causing progression to grind to a halt. The only time I ever see any examples of people being kicked “unfairly” from groups is here in threads on the forums.


What I am seeing increasingly in 70+ leveling dungeons is players who think that the reason I’m moving too slow is because I need them to pull for me, when the actual reason is that THEY’RE STANDING AROUND WATCHING OTHER PLAYERS KILL MOBS INSTEAD OF HELPING. The faster stuff dies, the more I pull.

I think over the last 6 or so years i’ve seen maybe 10 or so vote kicks? Every single one was either the player in question grinding the dungeon to a halt, being a complete jerk to everyone else for some really tiny thing, or being afk.

I guess there was one time i got votekicked from a heroic but that was some irl friends trolling me so i don’t really think that counts?

Come here, little fox!

I would like to tank, but I have tried every single tank and I find them all really, really boring.

Warrior - Not boring, but too complicated. I have to know exactly when to use spell reflection?

Druid - Kind of fun actually, but I have to keep Ironfur up… And I HATE the sound effect that Ironfur makes. It’s like wind, or something? And I have to cast it every 4 seconds, so playing it is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

Demon Hunter - I hate demon hunters. It’s like Blizzard said “You know what, Death knights aren’t cringy enough. Let’s make the DH!”

Death knight - Health goes up and down like a rubber band. No longer unacceptably cringe due to DH existing.

Paladin - I don’t want to be a Boy Scout with my merit badges and helping grandmas across the street. Plus I have to always recast Consecration everywhere I go.

Monk - Can’t find a race/gender/name combo for Brewmaster that I like.

It’s extremely frustrating.

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Were you even alive back then? It’s way less enjoyable to eat in a smoke-filled room, so of course a non-smoker would request that. But soon enough they’d find out that the “no smoking section” was right next to the smoking section, with no barriers between them.

Nowadays a lot of people who smoke step outside for a cigarette. Back then nobody did that. Smokers would have considered that an unreasonable expectation. The walls were stained with brown streaks and the interior smelled awful. The social changes that happened had nothing to do with shaming. A bigger deal was the fact that tobacco companies were no longer able to advertise that cigarettes are good for you, and instead had to put warnings on the label. People quite sensibly started to realize that dying of tobacco smoke-induced lung cancer was painful and avoidable.


Many moons ago, you would get together a group of players to knock out an instance. Rushing was never really a major thing unless that is just how the dungeon went. If the tank was slower than another or if the healer had to AFK to take his dog outside it was not the worst thing in the world. Everyone was just happy to clear it and accepted that life happens and not everything can be done or needs to be done in one single moment in time.

There are community features that I have noticed in game, maybe we could try to use those and reach out to like minded players. It’s a different time and trying to figure out better ways to enjoy the game can be challenging.


I fail to see how that’s different than a pug. If I vote to kick, none of you are going to vote no anyway.

You are Alliance. I see this a lot form Alliance players.

My progression characters, aka the ones who do keys, are alliance.

My casual characters, who spend more time in queued content, are horde. So my faction has nothing to do with it.

I vote no every time unless the person deserves to be kicked. If you’re getting booted this often that you think everyone else is the problem, you might need to do a bit of introspection.

I’d love if the queue had an option for “I’m not a blistering speed-freak and will do the dungeon at a medium pace” … or whatever version of that is suitable.

A tickbox to say “I’m going to speedrun” then, that’s fair, right? The people who want to do that can do it. Anyone else can opt out.

Sadly even a dungeon at a normal pace is only like 20 minutes at most, but there are players who want it done in 8 minutes instead. And they become absolutely TOXIC about that choice. I’d love to avoid them.

Hi there! If you ever need an understanding group of people to play with, the guild I’m in is really cool. Feel welcome to join! We are casual and chill but there are people that enjoy running things every now and again. They are who I learned to tank with.

Also I like to use the “learning/progression” box when I queue for stuff. Sometimes even fill out the description with details like “still learning on routes” or “new tank” just things to give people the impression that I might not be Superman tank. Even if I can be lol

It’s just always better to make your own group I think.

I was just a child so no, I was just talking about the study I read about it. But I really appreciate the info about your experience, was very interesting to read through.

What would you say made people as a whole change their view on smoking so drastically in like the 90s and so on? Because as far as I know people seemed totally fine with it in the 70s and 80s and this attitude shift around it just came out of nowhere, like as a whole everyone collectively decided it was bad and railed against it, and I have no idea what started it.

I always thought it was because of that one ad with the lady smoking through a hole in her throat, but that was in like 1996 and the change happened way before that.

But the solution really is to have smokers and non-smokers just self-segregate. If the smoke didn’t trickle into the non-smoking sections, this would have been a perfect solution.

People aren’t jerks for expecting perfection. If they play at that level and I don’t, I don’t WANT to be in their group because they are carrying me. But I don’t want to be filled into that spot and get kicked with a deserter debuff either, because then that is wasting my time, too. And if the 2 minutes of their time I will waste is valuable, then 30 minutes of my time is valuable too.

I am arguing for having a smoking restaurant built, that requires no land, and takes away no food from non-smokers. And people are against it because they don’t want to inhale the 2nd hand smoke, but they want to exhale it on others.

I would say the changes in the number of smokers were gradual until they reached critical mass and suddenly it was impossible to ignore them.

They tried that for a long time. It just didn’t work.

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I think you’re on to something here. Kinda like how FFXIV has “Practice” and “Duty Completion” options in their party finder tool for raid groups.