According to the detractors, people will apply just to continue the abusive behavior.
But the abuse is what makes it exciting
Definitely needs something considering tanking is the easiest, most boring role in the game lol.
In LFD, with zero accountability, that is also 100% true, imo.
And what’s the accountability in a person-made group?
You will remember the buttholes when they apply for your group again. Unless you get a stalker trolling you on purpose in different characters, lol. The goal is to find consistent players to queue with so you don’t have to invite as many randoms.
You go brother. Always respect from me.
I personally think that the internet is so ingrained into our lives in modern society and we spend so much time on it now, that “people are just jerks on the internet” no longer flies. The internet and real life are now so intertwined that we can no longer just excuse people being jerks online anymore as just “a feature of the internet”. People are just jerks, and we should rightfully shame them for it until they stop being jerks.
I mean, we literally carry around a rectangle with the internet on it in our pockets everywhere we go nowadays.
i stopped doing dungeons and raids back in shadowlands. i used to heal and dps a bit and it was just too much to handle. literally dealing with verbal abuse every single run until i just gave up and switched to PvP. im a 34 year old man but theres no need of the ammount of toxic verbal abuse and mistreatment of players the way things were when i was doing dungeons last back in early shadowlands. it was absoutley terrible.
Oh, I agree entirely. Someone who acts like a jerk online is just being who they really are without the threat of instant consequence looming over them. Its why the internet enables that behavior, because realistically there isn’t a lot we can do about it.
But the point still stands. Jerks will act like bigger jerks online, because the environment enables it.
accountability towards who’s moralistic judgments? you want to dictate behavior in a public setting, and are not able to.
you can turn off chat, but you feel you should be able to leave it on and demand anyone doesn’t type anything you don’t like in it.
you have this myth that even “chill group” gets trolled.
the fix for this historically was joining/forming a guild or community where you can omit players to your liking, you’ve opted out of that.
I have tanked since beta vanilla, i don’t see these abuses people are fixated on.
i regularly non-optimally take undergeared players who thank me for putting up with them. if i was more progression minded i’d not take them.
if people don’t act right according to my strict code of ethics and honor, i leave and find another group.
but to generalize millions of players is laughable and really only seems to cover up personal issues. you probably think i’m being one of the hostile people towards you right now.
I get that people’s tolerances are different, but I’m not seeing any effort on your part to mitigate this grand troll feast you’re trying to state multiple millions of people are engaging in.
i will run my next “chill learning group” in your honor friend, poz vibez have what made me keep playing the game, and tanking 4 pugz is not the negative you seem to think it is.
You have complete control over people in your group. If someone is acting like a jerk, you can just boot and replace them, no need to vote kick and try to convince the others they need to go.
well said. internet offers no concequence to written statements. ive met a few of those types in real life and things got sorted out AWFUL quick
it’s the state of this game. blizz allowed ppl to be jerks for so long that it’s standard. coupled with this esports mentality. it’s sad.
Your premise is wrong. I don’t want you in my group if you are that subpar that you can’t learn an optimal route and handle multiple packs without you looking/feeling like you are wearing tissue paper for armor and it also won’t be 40 minutes I’ll be waiting.
And if you are talking queue content? OMG that bar is so low. Queue content is babymode easy free and not one single person or role is necessary for success.
Also that “checkmark” does kind of exist for keys. It’s the dropdown box option that says “completion”. The assumption in those keys is success isn’t guaranteed but you want to finish no matter what and thus people who are expecting to time or bail if the group is punching above their collective skill level early know to avoid those marked groups.
hey shhhh we’re trying to get more players to use their fat delve ilvl in m+ to reduce wait times, don’t introduce personal responsibility into it
Your ability to bring up delves in threads that have nothing to do with them will never stop amazing me
I get abuse as a healer all the time, even when it isn’t my fault. But I’m not going to let a little sentence get under my skin, if I want to heal then Iwill.
Totally, I figure that was what your point was, that they’re bigger jerks online because it’s easier to get away with.
But it goes both ways, and personally I am a lot less likely to speak up when someone is being a jerk to someone IRL than online because I’m a 5 ft tall woman and frankly sometimes don’t feel safe enough to say anything.
On the internet though? Not as much of a worry, I can easily call someone out on being a jerk online without having to worry about my safety. And frankly I think more people should do the same, especially in this game in particular.
I get it, you don’t want to get involved and you’d rather just leave the group and not deal with it in a game you play for entertainment, I’ve done it myself, too. But there’s less consequences for calling someone out on their trash behavior online, and you have nothing to lose by doing that before dropping the group, reporting the person, putting them on ignore, etc. There’s a common sentiment in this game “don’t feed/engage the trolls” but I think that’s only allowed them to think their trash behavior is acceptable over time and made it worse honestly.
so you don’t see any correlation with people suddenly feeling like they should be tanking progression because of their fat delve ilvl says they should? kay
no, i’m sorry, let’s entertain thread 999999 about how tanking abuse is rampant and that’s why the game is failing or whatever, i honestly thought this was a TBC thread