"I will never serve..."

“I will never serve…soggy chips with my chilly fries!”

– Hawkéns


That’s not the end though. Is it? I hope not.

The writing and its writers are so unaware of how bad it is its kinda sad…like really unless she was doing purely to get her soul back but why? She even said being living is pointless. Her entire motive and argument and reason for betrayal is so utterly incompetent I broke my nose with how hard I facepalmed…


So she’s just the world’s biggest moron, then

Let’s see, clearly evil guy chained up in discount hell subjugating heroes, killing off innocents, and turning an objectively good-hearted person into a literal death knight, but she can’t even figure out she’s being played until he literally uses the word “serve”

Don’t worry guys, Sylvanas isn’t evil she’s just absurdly dumb


It was implied she didn’t know this until the jailer literally mentioned it. I honestly believe everyone mad about Sylvanas right now is just seeing and hearing what they want to about her and not looking at the bigger picture here. Either that or they’re just regurgitating what some twitch streamer said or feels about Sylvanas.


i was waiting for here to add an “again!”

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Horrible story telling

Her words would have held more weight if Sylvanas had said “I will never serve…another

It was lazy writing.


I had zero expectations and i am still disappointed


There is no bigger picture. She’s done countless unforgivable things even after jumping off the deep end after killing Saurfang that if any other character had done they would’ve had their head mounted on a pike and paraded around, and now here the devs are trying to redeem her because the Jailer hurt her feelings

Elementary school kids have written more compelling and believable stories than this


Yes actually there is a bigger picture. Did you even pay attention to what the jailer said in the cinematic? Pretty sure the whole “you will serve forever” part wasn’t known to Sylvanas until now. And sorry to disappoint you but if you played through Rivendreth you know every soul can be redeemed if they want to be.

The Jailer plain lied to her. Which is why she attacked back. We saw this how Mueh’zala, Sire Denathrius, and Slyvannas all had different things the Jailer had been planning. So the Jailer was lieing to some people to manipulate them.

Exactly! But everyone ignores this because muh teldrassil tree.


It’s mostly alliance characters I see complaining. Mostly night elves.


If anyone ignores it, it is due to the lazy writing, not because a small, disproportionately vocal minority complains about Teldrassil burning.


I mean Tyrande already saved everyone from eternal damnation with the moon warrior powers in torgast.

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I’ve taught my kid consistency.

He and a friend inspired by captain underpants made a few comics. I don’t tear them apart. But…I say son consistency. I say great work to build the ego but yes to help improve you have to give constructive guidance. Like soccer. If your kid is kicking the ball wrong you ahve to go son…nice try, but not with the toe. off the more inside of the foot.

So I tell him If you make something goofy that is fine. But have that goofy consistent. That goofy is now part of the character or narrative. Started it well then roll with it.

then you get SL. And DH’s no longer see hidden demons. No reason as to why.


Yeah this is kids writing on construction paper with crayons bad. I mean Sylvanas hated Arthas as the Lich King more than anything. Didn’t she realize before she even started SERVING the jailer that HE WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING SHE IS NOW? For her peoples death. For her agony as an undead banshee.

Not to mention everything else by proxy… IE corruption of Sargeras and the creation of the Burning Legion via the nathrazim? IS SHE REALLY THAT DUMB? Especially when her final line in BFA story was “all will serve death.”

This writing is beyond terrible.


So then Sylvanas is just extremely gullible.

I don’t know if that makes anything better.


I refuse to believe Sylvanas’ grasp of grammar is that poor…


That just says it all tbh

I knew I’d be disappointed and that did nothing to stop me from being disappointed.

I don’t know why I’m surprised.