I Will Gladly Give Up A Raid Tier for Player Housing

Raid tiers last months. Player Housing lasts forever.

We don’t need to keep putting off amazing features just for raid after raid. Take a raid tier from us and put it towards player housing.


So you can sit alone in your room and play wow with your char sitting alone in his room? Never cared for housing, definitely wouldn’t trade a raid tier for that.


a raid tier, i think it might take… several for a proper instatment of a real palyer housing system, give them time… i think they may be workin on it for the future since they warmly mentioned it in interviews… if they are smart anyways

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I don’t even like to raid and still wouldn’t trade actual playable content for housing in-game.


For that I will sacrifice 4 wolf mounts, but that’s the best I can do. You know what? I’ll add one boar mount, but that’s it!


i assume wow is your only mmo, you should check out some others like ESO and FFIV, ESO has one of the best player housing systems ive ever seen and some really awesome housing in general, from mansions, cabins, small boarding rooms, to Giant vast caves, beachfront houses, and mushroom houses etc. and so many items to craft and decorate with, player hosuing could be that for us, imagine if blacksmiths could forge a large iron cooking stove, tailors could make curtains, bedding, leatherworkers could create bear rugs, trophy hangers for downed boss heads or similarly animal heads, engineers could make little gadgets etc etc. thats just thinking of professions role in player housing.

I could see raid bosses, and dungeon bosses dropping things from a large pool of world drop hoising items, maybe a skeletal rocking chair, a color tint for your lamps ,

it would be important to be able to place things down within reason while in the home as well, a little personal touch being able to move the bed to a different spot or place more than 2 chairs at a table etc…


SL shorted us a raid tier in exchange for nothing. Sounds like the teams are being sorely mismanaged.

But I’m fluent in Blizzardese so I’ll translate:

“Will cost in content elsewhere” means “We really don’t want to implement that.”

“Doesn’t cost in content elsewhere” means “We want to implement that.”

Player housing could very easily be an incremental system that is steadily built upon in a way that doesn’t infringe on core development time, but will remain something obstinately resisted until outcry forces a relenting or someone with decision-making capacities within the team personally warms to the idea.


very cool. the non-raider wants to sacrifice raids for boring content.

lol! i dont even raid and i see how stupid this is.


Blizzard is missing the most easy solution to fix this issue - As OP said would gladly skip a raid tier for housing but here is how you make up for it.

See there is this WORLD and it is a WARCRAFT but they never use anything in this world so what is the most simply fix Taps chin Lets see…Oh that’s right use something from your giant game that won’t use barely any resources as a raid to run so you can focus on player housing.

GASP ON A ROCK what’s this? you have a dragon themed raid called Black wing Decent you could repurpose just for this very reason? OH MAH GAUD barely any work will be needed to make adjustments to make that work as a “filler” raid, no art work needed, just mostly number tweaking and gear scaling and boom you can go work on player housing.

Now get to work blizzard.


I would rather have more raids. I don’t even raid that much and I love houses in eso. Still wouldn’t trade a raid for housing.


How is that literally every MMO on the market can implement housing with much smaller teams but WoW can’t?

How does this cost a raid tier when you can re-use existing locations and assets?


I want to know the way teams are managed if the same teams designing raid tiers are the ones who would be making player housing.


this is a home in ESO that gets cycled in and out through the seasons, it is VERY expensive but theres two versions, a pre-decorated version which, you can still edit and place more things down as well as moving the items it comes with, then theres the bare bones version where its just the house, no furniture, nothing inside at all.

I wanna see things like this come to wow. we have so many places like this they could re-use and make use of, alongside actual houses and such in the world. not to mention the ability to plop a house down in any zone they deem worthy if they choose too, its not even like it has to be all done upfront in one shot the great thing about housing is they can add to it over time, i must insist again though that they would make it much like ESO housing in being able to place each item individually as you wish, being able to put a rug down , then a table ontop of said rug, then putting plates, forks, knives, food, books, coins, what ever i want to where ever i want to on that same table, or even floating is important for customization.


Luckily Ion hasn’t said no and actually gave a straight answer for once.


are we acting as if they dont have the means/money to do both?

i think skipping a raid would be a huge mistake honestly.


You literally just dropped the mic on this thread, no joke, that is my thought EXACTLY.

Honestly I wouldn’t give up a raid tier, while yes I’m a roleplayer, I can’t get those sweet transmogs without raiding.

Ion did say it’d take at least 2 expansions to cover what they would do, and he said the crew is fully aware of our want for housing AND even the designers in Blizzard wanna do it, but they gotta make sure to avoid the disaster of Garrisons.


If they add housing, I want it to be good. Please don’t encourage them to rush it out the door because of your impatience.


Same, OP. Same.

I’d rather something new added to the game as a whole, not another raid tier that will be irrelevant like the countless others.


You aren’t just giving up a raid tier by giving up a raid tier.

You’re giving up an entire content patch, which includes a raid tier, for it. And I can assure you that as soon as you insert all that into the equation the vast majority of people clamoring for player housing would much rather Blizzard hire an entire team to work on player housing over the course of many years than have them focus 12-14 months of development time into player housing and literally nothing else. And I can assure you that if 9.1, 6.1, or 8.0 lasted 12 to 14 months instead of half or less of that time the game would literally die before that player housing project would be complete.


Granted! Enjoy Garrisons 2.0.